Jeongguk, you're perfect. We're perfect.

451 3 0

AUTHOR: taetriplejae


(("Okay right, so mission dick?" Hoseok interrupts Taehyung's thoughts.

"Mission dick?" both Taehyung and Jeongguk stare at him in equal puzzlement.

"Yeah. How we gonna get Baby Gguk some dick?"

Out of the blue, "you mean how are you going to get MY BEST FRIEND some dick? Your 'Baby Gguk' at least got sucked off," Yoongi mumbles loud enough for the others to hear him.

Jeongguk looks at his idolised Hyung offended whilst the other two start cackling onto the ground, commencing their plans for 'mission Baby Gguk's dick' after they shut up.

(or Jungkook is trying to get it on with his boyfriend and his Hyung's fail him on four occasions.) ))

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