The Beginning

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*We are the evolution's of eevee, and if you are wondering who I am, I will tell you. I am Wolfboy's brother Sleep and our sister it Kit-ago.*

* All the evolutions have genders but Jolteon and Umbreon are the only boys and the others are girls.*

Trainer Sleep Pov.

<Flashback to 5 years old>
The beginning, when I 5 years old I got my first ever pokemon. "We have two starter pokemon the electric type is called Pikachu and the normal type is called Eevee, so which one do you want?" Said professor Oak. "I want eevee, and my mom said that you have a quest for the kid/child to do, and if I remember currently it has to do with evolution but must have 8 more eevee's and 8 stones." Said Sleep. Professor Oak said "That is true so I guess you are doing that quest and when you do start it and after you use the stones then come back home so I can study them and send the information to the other professors so they can add it to their pokedex, ok Sleep." Sleep nodded her head.
<End of Flashback>

<Back to trainer Sleep's Pov.>
"Hello my name is Sleep and I'm 18 years old I became a Pokemon train at 5 and I have a quest to do, some information about me is that I have all nine eevee's and I am taking care of all nine of them but the one thing about the quest is that once I evolve one I have to write every information about them for a whole week and after the 2 months I have to go back home and help professor Oak with all the questions and then go back to the other professors and tell them the same thing." All the eevee's are playing with each other and " I can understand what they say," and they say "Hi, we are eevee! And our trainer is named Sleep and she is the nicest trainer we have." 

" What all the eevee's don't know is that I'm going to evolve them to see if they can evolve, so I just got the last different stone so that means I have all 8 different stones at have different writings on it and their is psychic, dark, fairy, ice, fire, water, grass, and electric."

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