Gamzee pressed the cloth of Equius's sweaty shirt to his bleeding wound. The salty perspiration stung his arm, but Gamzee didn't care. He was preoccupied with thoughts of Nepeta.
Not murderous ones. Not vengeful ones. Lustful ones.
He had never felt anything for Nepeta other than simple friend thoughts - they were acquainted because Nepeta had a crush on his moirail, Karkat. But now that she had shown him her troll side - a side much like his sober one - he felt one hundred percent flushed for her.
He could imagine the whimpers that emanated from her mouth as he rubbed her horns. He could almost hear her heavy breaths, asking for more, as she lay naked under him. He could almost see her genetic material flow from her bulge, into a bucket.
"uH, gAMZEE,,," a familiar stutter whispered from around the corner. Gamzee turned to see the troll who was once the target of his lustful thinking, Tavros. But those days were over.
"hey tavbro." Gamzee held his hands out to the confused lowblood. "WHAT'S GOING ON?"
"uH, vRISKA SENT ME TO, kILL YOU, bUT i, uH, dON'T WANT TO," Tavros got out.
"well, i can't have a motherfucker who has intentions of all up and killing me, now can I?" Gamzee asked menacingly, bending over and picking up Equius' cracked glasses. "WHERE THE MOTHERFUCK IS THAT HUGE BITCH? where. IS. vriska?"
Gamzee pushed past Tavros, heading for the roof of the lab.
Nepeta ran through the halls, Gamzee's arm held in her mouth. She was running quickly, when she suddenly heard sick laughter come from the roof. Nepeta dropped the arm and smiled evilly. Vriska.
Nepeta slowly crept up to the roof. When she reached the top, she pulled a needle and thread from her coat pocket - a present from Kanaya. She snuck up behind Vriska, who sat on a crate on the roof. She scraped her claws on the back, then darted off.
"Huh?" Vriska turned quickly, just as Nepeta blurred out of sight. "Toreadead8eat, if that was you..."
Nepeta crawled up the side of the short wall and scratched the metal.
"Who is that?" Vriska's attention got entirely diverted to the scratched metal.
Nepeta leapt on Vriska from the top of the wall, taking her by surprise and pinning her to the ground. ":33 < hey vriska. what's up?"
Vriska spluttered angrily. "What the - Nep8ta! Equius is gonna g8 SO mad!"
Nepeta scraped Vriska's side with her claws angrily. ":33 < EQUIUS IS FUCKING DEAD! I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I LIKE!"
Nepeta threaded the needle slowly. ":33 < including torture people ironically."
Nepeta jabbed the needle into Vriska's left eyelid, bringing a scream from the blue-blooded troll. "F8CK!"
Nepeta slowly stitched Vriska's left eye closed, before stabbing the needle into Vriska's nose. ":33 < karma's a bitch. you blinded someone innocent, now you GET BLINDED BY SOMEONE INNOCENT!" Nepeta shrieked with laughter.
"FUCK Y8U, N8P8T8!" Vriska screamed as Nepeta stitched up her other eye. "FUCK YOOOOOOOOU!!!!!!!! D××××"
Nepeta grinned. ":33 < you deserve it."
After about five minutes of Vriska complaining, Nepeta grew tired of the torture and stabbed Vriska in the stomach with her claws. Within another minute, Vriska had finished coughing blood over Nepeta's clothes in between 8-riddled curses and was dead. Nepeta smirked and stood up. Then, hearing footsteps coming up to the roof, Nepeta scarpered off, through the vents. She exited at the entrance to the roof and picked up Gamzee's arm.
Gamzee ascended onto the roof, gripping the bow he stole from Equius, only to find the job already done. Vriska's eyes were sewn shut, blood stained her mouth, and she had puncture wounds in her stomach.
Gamzee felt his nook begin to tingle as thoughts of Nepeta caused him to salivate heavily. "nepeta..." he breathed, smiling. "SHE DID THIS..."
":33 < that's right," a small voice mumbled from downstairs. "i did this. i killed vriska."
Gamzee stooped and ripped Vriska's robotic arm off. "good job, motherfucker."
":33 < why are you complimenting me?" Nepeta asked curiously, walking up the stairs.
Gamzee smiled at her. "YOU'RE LIKE ME. batshit crazy and utterly deadly."
Nepeta hissed. ":33 < rule number one - don't call the girl you're trying to seduce batshit crazy."
Gamzee shrugged. "I DON'T MOTHERFUCKING KNOW HOW TO ALL UP AND SEDUCE A GIRL. but is it working?"
Nepeta shook her head. ":33 no. not in the slightest. now, if you'll excuse me, i must go and KILL ALL THOSE FUCKERS! ALL OF THEM WILL FUCKING DIE!" Nepeta hissed at Gamzee and began to pounce down the stairs.
"A COMPETITION THEN." Gamzee's words made Nepeta stop short. "you want to see which one of us motherfuckers can kill the most? THERE ARE EIGHT MOTHERFUCKERS LEFT. whoever wins gets to kill the other."
Nepeta smiled. ":33 < okay! that sounds KILLER."
Nepeta scampered off. Gamzee sighed. "SHE'S ONE HELL OF A MOTHERFUCKER." He jammed the robotic arm on his wound, the cerulean blood mingling with his purple. He then ripped off Vriska's shirt and wrapped it around his shoulder like a bandage, tying the arm to his shoulder. He flexed the arm and smiled.