First day back

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Nick's POV-
I walked with Chrissy to our next class and all I could think about was how Lexi could put up with her. She must have all the patience in the world.
"Hey dude. Stop" Chrissy said grabbing me. I turned around to realize I had accidentally walked a little past my class.
"Come on you can sit with me" Chrissy said. I decide for that to be the best idea since I haven't seen anybody I knew in 3rd grade except for Lexi and Chris. I sat down and immediately random girls came up to me. I feel so crowded but thankfully some guy comes and breaks it up. I thank him and he sits next to me.

Lexi's POV-
Someone squeezes by me and pushes me into him. And I hear that classic witch bitch giggle that "makes the boys go wild". I turn around to see Leilani giving me a little smile and wave with just her fingertips. I give her the meanest death stare and sit down in my seat. The bell rings and class starts.
"Hello juniors! My name is Mrs. Benardzyc. And this is my Accelerated math class. I also may have some of you for homeroom. In this class I will be teaching you guys the 12th grade topics rather then 11th grade ones." She said.
The class cheered as if this was a good thing, but I didn't like it one bit. I may be smart but that doesn't mean I like math. I absolutely hate everything about it and in it. The geometry, the algebra, just everything. I space out for a good half an hour but finally snap back when she starts to hand out "get to know me!" Sheets like we're in 6th grade. I absolutely hate it. Now that I think of it, I hate everything. Especially this school. Why couldnt summer last forever, why couldn't things just stay the same. My thoughts were once again interrupted when the bell rang. The teacher looks disappointed that I didn't fill out the sheet but doesn't say anything since she doesn't want to start anything on the first day. I pray to god that doesn't ruin her opinion about me. I walk to the next class and see nick.
"Finally!" Nick says as he runs up to me.
"Woah, finally what?" I reply.
"I have been stuck with Chrissy for like an hour. How do you fuckin put up with her!?" Nick jokingly says.
"Idk I just can" I giggle.
"Who's this?" Chante says.
"Oh hey chante, this is nick." I reply
"The cutest couple ever!" Chante smiles
"Oh wait what? No you've got it all wrong" nick says.
"Yeah no all wrong" I immediately follow up with.
"Sorry I didn't know... so you're still free?" Chante says.
"Oh sorry I'm not really looking for a gf rn" nick sets straight.
"No offense hun but I didn't think you were that cute anyway" Chante snickers. Nick looks straight at me and so does Chante. I feel like I'm about to burst out laughing but thankfully I'm saved by the bell and dash to my choir period. I walk in and my eyes immediately dart to nick who also walks in.
"You sing!?" I say shocked.
"Kinda. My mom always told me I have a good voice so In her honor I joined choir, yeah I know it's really dumb." Nick shyly says.
"Nah I think it's really sweet" I smile.
"Soooo are you a tenor, baritone? I can't imagine your voice being high enough for alto." I say.
"Baritone" he replies.
"Ooh la la, I'm a soprano. But I'm definitely not one of those stuck up "the solo is mine!" Ones." I giggled. Nick laughs and we take our seats.
"Maybe you can teach me music lingo after school!?" Nick shouts from across the room.
"Sure!" I yell back.
I'm on the bus home and I can't help but notice Leilani's eyes at the back of my head. Then I feel a tap on the back of my head. I notice two things, Leilani is now behind me and she stopped chewing her gum. I feel the back of my head and nick and Chrissy turn around. I get pissed as I feel the gum in my hair.
"What the fuck!? What are you 5? You're such a immature bitch!" I scream. She giggles and I stand up. At this point the bus has stopped. I grab leilani by her hair and start beating the shit out of the back of her head. The bus driver runs over and breaks us up. I look her straight in the eyes and spit at her. I look at everything around us and see the phones pointed at us recording. We end up getting separated like a brother and sister who just got into an argument. We get to her stop and I lay my foot over so she'll trip but she sees it and steps on my foot. At this point I grab the phone out of her bag. She doesn't notice. Me and nick get home and I immediately start going through her phone. I don't think it's snooping if she doesn't have a password 🤷🏽‍♀️. I look through and find text messages between her and Chante. I didn't know they were friends. I read the texts and what I see has me steaming...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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