The Meeting

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Heyo! We just wanted to warn you there is smut so ya, don't worry there will be a warning when it starts and ends.

PS. We are changing it to the 6th year, so Draco and Harry are 16! Hope you like it! BYEE!


Harry pov

When I found this out I started to tear up. Not only was my life a lie, but my friends were also too. I started to wonder how the hell my parents were Severus Snape and Tom Marvolo- and who even was Tom Marvolo?! Oh, and Snape- he has A LOT of explaining to do! How could he have kept this a secret... Or did he even know it was me? Ugh, all this is confusing me! Wait- MALFOYS MY MATE!... My head is probably confusing me, let me reread that- nope I was right he's my mate. How could my day get any worse?

"Hey, Potter." 'Speak of the devil and he shall appear.' Harry thought to himself. I guess my day can get worse.

"Uhhh, heeeyy Malfoy..." I'm dead, I'm really dead!

"What's a dork like you doing here?"

"None of your business Malfoy!" It's actually a lot of your business Malfoy! "Ya right! I'm your superior so you must show me what you are doing!"

"Ugh, f-fine...." Even though I'm YOUR superior, you deserve to know...

Draco pov

I grabbed the papers not knowing what they were but- who cares they can't be that imp- fuck- ARE YOU KIDDING ME I'm mated to Potter- and I'm the submissive too! Can my life get any... better- other than me being the submissive, it's all amazing!? I, Draco Malfoy, get to be mated to the Harry Potter! It's a dream come true- wait am I dreaming? I secretly pinch myself. It's not a dream! IT'S NOT A DREAM!

"W-wait, I'M YOUR MATE!?"

"I'm so sorry Malfoy... I didn't know either... It's ok you can reject me-"

"even though I'll probably die", I whisper

"No, Potter- ugh let's talk somewhere more private"

"U-uh O-ok"

Harry pov

We got to Shrieking shack and Draco- wait when did I start to call him by his first name?! Ugh, whatever...

-Time skip- (Draco spent the entire day avoiding the subject)

"Dra-Malfoy, stop avoiding the subject and tell me what you wanted to talk about?!"



"Don't worry... I-I-" Draco sighs, "I like you!"

"Wait- y-you do?"

"Ugh, I knew this was a bad idea! I-i'm sorry for wasting y-your time...!" Draco started to run off but, I grabbed his hand, pulled him close to me and pressed my lips onto his. "H-harry, what a-are you d-do-doing..."

"Something I wanted to- for a- very- long t-time..."



Draco pov

Harry started to slowly kiss me, but then the kiss started to heat up... I panted while asking him what he was doing but he only said he wanted to do this for a very long time... I don't know what he means but, I'm enjoying this too much! He started to take off my shirt hotly kissing my neck. I slightly moaned out his name... He started to roughly kiss me making me want more. I was now panting, waiting for Harry to stop, but he suddenly started to give me hickeys along my collarbone... Oh how much I love this man! He slowly started to take off my pants and of course- I complied.

(Smut has started!)

"Draco, are you sure you're ready?" I gave him a look that made him smile. "Of course I am." This is going to be a good night. Harry started to take off my boxers but he made it painfully slow to tease me. I was about to take off his shirt when he started to give me more hickeys leading down to my waist. He then stripped off his clothes, he looked like he wanted more. I then whispered in his ear, "Just get inside me, daddy~." He had different ideas and started to lick my hole. I whimpered but he ignored me. Then he started to finger me, he kept adding fingers making me moan harder. I then moaned "D- d-daddy~, just fuck me already ple-" He was lining up himself up and went inside me while I was moaning the sentence. We both groaned because of how tight it was. Harry started to go in and out. "D-d-daddy~, f-faster p-please!~" He then started to pick up the pace, I was a moaning mess... "D-draco~ i-i'm about to cu-" I then felt a warm liquid filling me up. "D-daddy~ please more!~" Right then I felt the same liquid drip down my leg. We then reached our climax after a while and just lay right next to each other and fell asleep.

-Time skip- (Ok smut OVER)

Harry pov

(Harry and Draco both wake up the next morning)

"Good morning Draco," Harry said.

"Good morning Harry," Draco replied.

"Soo, what are we...?" Draco asked.

"Anything you want us to be, so what DO you want us to be?" Harry questioned.

"A-a couple?" Draco said.

"Well then, we are now a couple- babe," Harry said with a smile.

-Time Skip- (Harry is about to meet his parents)

*sigh* It's time to meet my parents. I hope it turns out well, I'm glad that Draco is here with me. Ok, it's time to meet them... "H-hey g-guys.." My parents looked baffled. "Mr.Potter, what are you doing here talking to me?! Also, why is Draco here?" Snape asked.

"Don't you think it's a bit obvious? Like, what's the only reason you're here... You're not going to attack because there aren't any Death Eaters around other than you, Severus, and Draco! - no offense Draco" Harry said.

Draco looked over at me "None taken".

"W-wait the only reason we're here is... N-no I-it can't be! H-Hadrian? I-is that y-you...?" Snape questioned.

"H-hey m-mum, d-dad.." Hadrian said.

"Oh, my Merlin! I-is it really you!" Riddle said.

"In the flesh..." Hadrian said.

"Ahem, still here!" Draco said in an amused tone. *Input death glare from Voldemort*

"AHEM, Malfoy I am talking to my son who has been MISSING for 15 YEARS," said Riddle.

"Way to put him in shame dad.." Hadrian said.

"Well, I am sorry if he ruined the moment!" I laugh at my dad's antics. "Parent's (dad's? Fathers? Daddies- NOPE THAT SOUNDS VERY WRONG..What is the plural for dads!! -Harry's thoughts), we should catch up on the weekends... We both have some planning to do for Dumb-as-a-door aaand I need to get ready for school tomorrow..."

"Well, I suppose you are right, we both do have some planning to do. Farewell, my son. We both shall miss you. Except for one specific person who teaches in Hogwarts.. *cough* Severus *cough*.


Hey guys!! @Drarry_luver and @Ariel_Mermaid15 here! We hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry it took so long to put up, but I, @Ariel_Mermaid15, tend to procrastinate quite often but we finally finished writing this chapter. We don't know when the next chapter will come out since we don't have a set schedule and we basically upload when we are done writing a chapter. Hope you guys liked it, BYEE! <3

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