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Amelia's pov-
   "Ok, I'm out and I think they'll be coming in the next... ohh." I whisper to myself as I hide behind the crates. Wait, why is there crates here? Whatever, provides good cover.

   "Where are those slackers?" A young guy asks. He's way too young but... those eyes. "Come out little boy." Did he find me already?

   "I'm pretty sure you're younger." I boldly walk out of hiding. The two older men at his side pull out their weapons. "Are you that afraid of this little guy." I mock them. Come on and take the bait already.

   "Hmm, you are Ahme?" He asks walking towards me.

   "You'd know." I snap, taking a step back. This little boy is kinda scary. Wait, no way! "I know you. You mmhmm." He moved so fast and covered my mouth.

   "Shut up if you want to keep your life." He whispered. This damn guy! "Let's carry him to the boss."

Kouen's pov-
   So this is the place. Ahme should have already gotten to the boss and I'll walk in from the front. They should lead me straight to him and we'll just beat them into telling us...

   "Kouen, it's been awhile." That voice.... no way.

   "Judar. I knew you were always scum." I bitterly say as he held Ahme by her hand.

   "Is that how you thank me? I've come all this way and helped you." He says throwing a guy on the floor at my feet, his face bloody. "I even caught the guy."

   "What did you do to Ahme?" I questioned, not moving an inch. "Why are you really here, Judar? You are the magi of the Kou empire, I'm sure you have many things to do for the king."

   "Ohh, this brat? You see, I know her. She's quite the handful, running off with such a unique ability." He answers. Ahme has a what?

   "What do you mean?" I ask, stepping forward. "Let her go. I am responsible for her." I angrily say.

   "Ok. She's all yours." He let's her go and I catch her as he walks in the air. "But you should know, she has something special about her." He says and disappears. Damn that guy. Wait, he knows she's a girl?! Not important, is she injured? ...... No. I sigh and head to the hotel. This was such a waste of a trip. What was that Magi doing here? I know this wasn't just a coincidence.

Third pov-
   Judar made his way to a cave.

   "He was in this town as you said. Kouen may have gotten stronger but is this the right time to do it? That girl, I have confirmed it. We should head back now." Judar reported.

Amelia's pov-
   "Uh, my head." I sat up, holding my head. "What even happened?" I questioned myself.

   "We're on our way back. The mission was a success." Kouen answered. Wait, we're in a carriage?

   "I don't remember what happened after I was caught." I state, watching him as he did his paper work.

   "They knocked you out. I reached in time and took action. I handed them over to the authorities and the information has been recovered." He answered not looking at me. "Get some rest until we reach the next town, you had a concussion."

   "Mmhmm, I'll do that then." I say sleepily and fell asleep to the little rocking and turning of pages.

And!!! I am back from not updating 😂😂 Sorry guys, things was really busy wit skl and stuff. Ik this isnt my best but hey, I updated😂 btw have you guys heard of BTS' new songs? It lit 🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍😍

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