Chapter 12

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The Queen looked up from her breakfast when Chiana knocked and entered, signalling her to rise from her prostration. The advisor looked a little pale, and her soft eyes had a hunted look.

“What is it?” Minna asked.

“I have a report from Captain Redgard. Lord Mordon was assassinated last night.”

“Really?” Minna nibbled on a cake. “So soon.”

“You knew of it, then.”

“I ordered it.”

“And you sent Blade.”

Minna raised her brows at Chiana’s bold tone. “Who else?” Chiana frowned at her clasped hands, and the Queen pushed aside her plate. “You are upset, Chiana. Why?”

“You did not consult me on this matter, My Queen. As your chief advisor, I would have advised you not to take this course of action.”

“You know about the attempt on Prince Kerrion’s life?”

Chiana nodded.

“Lord Mordon hired the assassin who was killed in the Prince’s room. His act was treasonous, and, had he gone to trial, he would have been executed anyway.”

“Then you should have had him arrested, not assassinated.”

“Come, come, Chiana. For trying to kill an enemy prince? The people would have said that he was doing us all a favour.” Minna frowned. “Are you so upset because I did not confide in you?”

“No, not entirely; I wish you had, but the choice is yours. I thought Lord Conash was to retire.”

“Ah.” Queen Minna-Satu smiled and sat back. “I see. You like him, and you fear for his safety.”

“I hardly know him, My Queen.”

“That is of no account. I know exactly how you feel.”

“Do you?” Chiana raised her eyes in a bold glance. “There are angry mutterings amongst the lords and advisors. Everyone knows who did it. Lord Mordon was found cold in his bed beside his wife this morning. He was killed without even waking her or his familiar, and the guards saw no one. He was stabbed under the left armpit.”

“What of it? Blade is my assassin, and I sanctioned his actions. He is also under my protection, as a lord of my realm.”

“They will want to know why, My Queen.”

“He was plotting treason; that is all they need to know.”

“Then he should have been arrested.”

The Queen waved it away. “I shall deal with things the way I see fit. Let any objectors do so to my face. Bring me Blade.”

Chiana knocked on Blade’s door and opened it, surprised to find the assassin asleep in the vast four-poster bed. He sat up, a dagger glinting in his fist, then slumped back with a grunt. He raked tangled hair from his face and yawned, knuckling his eyes.

“What is it?” He eyed her with some displeasure.

“The Queen wishes to see you.”

Blade glanced at the sunlight slanting in through the windows and winced. Swinging his legs off the bed, he banged the dagger down on the side table and used both hands to rub his face. Chiana stepped back as he rose and stretched. He wore only a pair of baggy grey flannel shorts, which hung incongruously on his lean body and seemed in danger of falling down at any moment.

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