━ day one

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You sighed as you scooped the rice out of the rice cooker. Staring out of the kitchen window, you recalled the events of the previous day.

"....he wants us to be his parents...at least until we find his real ones."

Today was the first day of taking care of Shuu. To start off this parenting experience, you decided you keep things simple,  

Having a picnic in the park.

You and Oikawa texted each other last night and discussed about what the both of you should do with Shuu. Oikawa let him occupy his apartment last night and sent him to school.

"Ehhh?? W-why must i do it? Why must we be the ones chosen for this?"

The both of you decided to meet at the park and have dinner together, as a family. You smiled and flushed at that thought and continued to pack the rest of the food in the lunchboxes and also made sure that it look cute.

Over the last two years, you thought that your feelings for Oikawa would slowly disappear. You knew that he would most probably not return the same feelings. Besides, he had thousands of girls tailing him wherever he went. The countless number of dates you went on just to rid the feeling of attraction you felt towards Oikawa worked...until you met him again.

It was now 4pm and you got ready to meet Oikawa at the station near Shuu's school.

When you got there, you saw Oikawa leaning against the wall. One of his hands were in his pocket while in the other was his phone. He happened to look up and saw you. Pocketing his phone, he waved.

"Yo, (l/n)-chan!"

You blushed slightly at the use of 'chan'. It just had been so long since he called you that way.

"Oikawa-san...ah! did I make you wait long?" You asked while hoisting your bag up. Oikawa shook his head and looked down at your hand carrying the bags of food. He stretched out his hand and offered to help. You tried to decline but he insisted.

"Isn't this what husbands do...?" he mumbled and you chuckled. Thanking him, the both of you made your way to the elementary school. After walking in silence for awhile, you decided to break the silence

"Nee, oikawa-san. do you still remember the rules we came up with last night?"

He nodded, "mm which one? you came up with 100 of them in half an hour."

"H-hey!" you cried and nudged him in his sides causing him to wince. "...it's the one about us needing to act like a real couple."

Instantly, you regretted bringing that 'rule' up as the rest of the trip to the school was quiet. You could tell that Oikawa wasn't happy about it.

At the gates, you saw Shuu kicking little pebbles on the floor. Upon seeing you, he ran towards you and gave you a big hug, "Good evening." you said as you hugged your 'son'. 

"Why does mama get a hug, Shuu-kun? Papa is hurt!" sulked Oikawa.

Your eyes widened in surprise. You did not expect the sudden change in his mood but the three of you walked to the park hands laced together.

You motioned for Oikawa to hand over the bag that contained the food. Shuu was excited as he was humming a tune. you handed him his bento first then Oikawa and finally yourself.

"Thank you for the food!" you all said and opened the box. You took out a piece of salmon and wondered if the two males liked your cooking. Looking up, you saw that they were not eating with their mouths but eating the food with their eyes. "Why aren't the two of you eating? Does it not look appetising enough? ah! I'm so sorry-"

Shuu cut you off, "no! it's very cute, mama!" at this moment, you felt your heart burst out of your chest. He was just too precious.

" I agree with Shuu, this is indeed very cute." Oikawa added, ruffling your hair.

Soon, the day was over and you were carrying a sleeping Shuu back to your apartment. It was once again, the first day of taking care of a kid and you enjoyed it. Oikawa walked next to you.

"I could bring him back to my place again you know, (l/n)-chan? Besides, you have so many things to carry."

You shook your head, "no, it's okay Oikawa-san...you already brought him back to yours yesterday. A-also..thank you for today. I had fun, looking after a kid definitely isn't as tough as I thought it would be."

Soon, you reached the entrance of your apartment building. Bidding a farewell to Oikawa, you headed back up feeling excited at what he had planned for the next day. however, you could not forget what he said to you before departing.

"I had fun too, (l/n)-chan. Getting to spend time with you again...it's nice."

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