━ day two

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You woke up with Shuu in your arms. At first, you were confused. Why was Shuu in your bed sleeping with you? Then, you remembered that he requested you to sleep with him as his real mother did.

Carefully getting out of bed without waking the boy, you checked your phone. 8am, Saturday. today, Oikawa had planned to go to the funishi inari shrine as it was quite popular for its mountain trails. You got ready and started preparing breakfast.

You began to wonder when you last had a proper breakfast. shortly after, Shuu awoke and stumbled out of the room.

"Ah Shuu! Did I wake you up?" you questioned as you plated today's breakfast, bacon and eggs.

Shuu shook his head while rubbing his eyes. "Noope, I smelled food..right! Where are we going today, mom?"

Your face turned red again as you heard him call you 'mom'. You still weren't used to this.

"Today, we are going to the fushimi inari shrine! Oik- papa wanted to go there today."

It was now 5.15pm, fifteen minutes after the meeting time with Oikawa. Shuu started to panic and started rambling about his 'papa' getting lost. After comforting him, you looked up to see Oikawa running towards the two of you.

"Sorry I'm late! They just released us from practice."

Shaking your head, you handed him a bottle of water. "It's alright, at least you're here now."

Oikawa nodded and gave Shuu a pat on his head. When Shuu saw the red torii gates, he stopped holding both you and Oikawa's hands and sprang forward, "mama, papa, I'll meet you at the end okay?"

Both of you nodded and watch him run off.

"I didn't know you're still doing volleyball, Oikawa-kun."

"Yeah, volleyball is my life! Plus, I'm thinking of going to a foreign team after uni..." he answered. and there it was again, the silence. After watching Shuu for a few moments, he decided to speak again.

"Doesn't this whole thing feel staged?"

You looked up at him, only to meet his eyes watching you intently. Quickly, you looked away.

"Huh? A-ah...honestly yes. I know it's only the second day but wouldn't Shuu's real parents be looking for him? Or least wait outside his school everyday?"

You stayed silent for a bit after that. Why did he ask that question? Does he find this troublesome?  You thought that maybe Oikawa didn't actually like hanging out with you or Shuu and it made you sad.

It was then Oikawa placed his hands on your shoulders. It was as if he sensed your sadness.

"It's not like I don't like taking care of him or hanging out with you! It's just that...I don't know, maybe deep down my heart doesn't like it, and we are busy with uni. But my mind does, so don't feel sad or worried." he said sincerely and had a tint of red on his cheeks.

You opened your mouth to say something but no words came out. at that moment, Shuu shouted from the end of the gates, "mama, papa! hurry~"

Wanting to get out of this awkward situation, you started walking forward slowly building up speed, leaving Oikawa behind to catch up.

"Woww" you gasped at the sight before you. The Kyoto landscape was right before your eyes as the three of you had climbed up to its peak. Seeing the landscape in the evening was breathtaking. The sun was setting and it casted an orange colour. Looking to your right, you saw Oikawa holding Shuu's now sleeping form in his arms while watching the setting sun.

"Looks like he's tired from all this climbing. Shall we head back, mama?"

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