Chapter 2

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The teachers stood there in shock for a few seconds, comprehending what the kid just said.

"Pay up" said Nezu as some of the teachers handed him and some of the other teachers money, "What?" said Toshi, "We had bets to see if your parents would get together or not, and I won" said Nezu.

"Well hang on how do we know he's not lying?" said Aizawa, "You can run a DNA test on me if you want" said Toshi, "Also why did you destroy that tree?" asked Nezu, "To see if I had to worry about altering the future, that tree is in the background of this picture here" said Toshi as he held up a picture of Toshi and his classmates, the tree Toshi ripped out was there in the background. "You would think that the tree I ripped out would fade out of the picture, but it didn't, so I guess that means the method of time travel they used in Avengers Endgame is true" said Toshi.

"Avengers Endgame? That old movie from the start of the quirk era?" said Present Mic, "That's the one" said Toshi.

(A/N I imagine My Hero Academia takes place at least a hundred years in the future)

"Wait if you really are who you say you are, how did you get here?" asked Present Mic, "In my time UA was under attack by the League of Villains, or what's left of them, and some guy in a hoodie walked up to me and said that I'll wish he just killed me or something and then he opened up a portal, next thing I know I was here" said Toshi.

"Well how do we get you back?" asked Vlad King, "I don't know. Hopefully my classmates managed to defeat the League since I took care of most of them, and hopefully they managed to apprehend the guy who got me here, and hopefully they'll figure out a way to come get me. In the mean time I just need a place to stay" said Toshi.

"Look Toshinori-" "Toshi. Everyone calls me Toshi" said Toshi, "Look Toshi, how about we take you to Recovery Girl's office to see if your telling the truth?" said Nezu, "Alright" said Toshi.

Back at the dorms...

"So should we go to class or should we wait for Aizawa to give us the all clear to go since that flying guy might still be out there?" said Ochako.

"Yes, I think it's best we wait for Aizawa to give us the all clear to go to class" said Iida.

"I just got a message from Nezu, he says it's ok for us to go to class, the intruder's been dealt with" said Izuku.

"Alright let's go" said Iida.

Back with the teachers...

Recovery Girl entered the teacher's lounge with the test results. "Well the kid's not lying. He has both Midoryia's and Uraraka's DNA" said Recovery Girl.

"So what do we do now?" asked Midnight. Nezu thought about this for a moment, "Well we could call Midoryia and Uraraka over here and introduce them to their son, Toshi did say that we don't have to worry about altering his time" said Nezu, "Is that really a good idea?" asked Aizawa, "I'll only do it if Toshi's ok with it. What do you say Toshi? Are you up for meeting your parents when they were your age?" asked Nezu, "Sure I guess" said Toshi who had changed out of his costume and was now wearing normal civilian clothes.

"I AM HERE!" said All Might as he burst into the room in his buff form, "SORRY I'M LATE EVERYONE! TRAFFIC WAS A REAL JAM! I- young Midoryia what's happened to your hair?" asked All Might upon seeing Toshi.

'Oh my god it's him! It's really him! All Might! The hero I'm named after! The hero who dies in two years...' said Toshi in his head.

"This isn't Izuku Midoryia All Might, this is Toshinori Midoryia. He's Izuku Midoryia's and Ochako Uraraka's son from the future" said Nezu.

All Might barfed up blood and turned into his skinny form.

"Seriously?!" he said wiping blood from his mouth, "Yeah, he came out of a time portal thingy in front of the dorms this morning" said Aizawa.

All Might walked over to Toshi and looked at him. "Uhhhh... hi" said Toshi, "Hello" said All Might.

'Midoryia names his son after me?' said All Might in his head.

Back with the students...

Class 1-A was sitting at their desks waiting for Aizawa to show up.

"What's taking Aizawa so long? It's not like him to be this late" said Sero, "I heard it has something to do with that guy who came out of that portal thing this morning" said Kirishima, "Well whatever it is we should wait patiently for Aizawa, I'm sure he'll be here momentarily" said Iida doing his normal hand gestures.

Suddenly Aizawa entered the room. "Midoryia, Uraraka, I need you to come with me to the teacher's lounge" said Aizawa, "What's wrong sir? Is it something we did?" asked Ochako, "Actually it's something you will do" said Aizawa, "What do you mean?" asked Izuku, "It doesn't matter. Just come with me. You're not in trouble, there's just someone who wants to meet you, or rather, have you meet him" said Aizawa.

They then got out of their seats, "The rest of you stay here and don't do anything while I'm gone" said Aizawa.

The three of them then headed down the hallway until they reached the teacher's lounge. They then entered the room where they saw Toshi facing the opposite direction talking with some of the other teachers.

"They're here" said Aizawa to Toshi.

Toshi then turned around to face them, "What the?!" said Izuku seeing that the person looked just like him but with brown hair.

"Midoryia, Uraraka, this is Toshinori Midoryia, he's your son from the future" said Aizawa, "Hi Mom! Hi Dad!" said Toshi.

Izuku and Ochako both turned a deep shade of red upon hearing this.

"W-W-WHAT?!?!" they both said.

Thx for reading.

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