snakes venom,2 whole scorpions, belladonna, sage, foxglove, tansy plant, wolfbane, hemlock, vervain, mustard seeds, anemon, apple haul, apricot juice, barley, juniper berry powder and leaves, sweet grass, green tea, blackberry, pumpkin juice.
ground scorpions, belladonna, sage, foxglove, tansy plant, hemlock, mustard seeds together in to a powder
simmer snakes venom, apricot juice, green tea, blackberry, and pumpkin juice,
mix all powders in to simmering pot , then add the leaves of wolfbane, vervein, juniper , then apple haul barley sweet grass, and anemon, let it simmer on a very low heat over night , then strain and pour over poisoned wound well warm, should boil and reject the poison out
if poison is ingested or injected please drink potion