Chapter 6 : The Date

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"Why are you mad at me " Cameron asked.

It has been a week since the whole vine thing happened.  Cameron always would call me every damn hour. I finally decided to answer .

"Vine" I said

"What is vine"

" Don't act, okay. I know everything already. "

" I don't know know what you are talking about . I have no idea what vine is"

" you know what gets me even more mad"


" that you are still lieing to me even when you know I know the truth"


" tell me the truth , please cam"

"Look bitch I'm telling the truth"

"FUCK YOU! !!!"

" GO DIE!! "

"Wow, Cameron I can't believe you said that , bye "

"Wait I'm- "

I hung up before he could finish his sentence.  I can't believe he told me that. I went to my bathroom and looked for my old friend , a blade. I was crying so much. I did a lot . I cleaned up my mess and went to go hide my blade.

*next day*

I woke up around 1:00 p.m.   I looked around my room and saw Teo sitting on the floor .

"Hey" I said


"What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"I wanted to ask you something in person and your brother"

"Oh, what did you want to ask?"

" would you go on a date with me"

I smiled and jumped on top of him

"Yes! Of course"

He laughed .

" pick you up at 7:00"

"Ya, where are we going"

" Blues" ( not really a place , I think)

" omg, Teo that place is fancy"

" ya, I know, something wrong?"

"No" I said and smiled

" I got to go , see you at 7:00 , bye"


Time went by fast. I spent it mostly watching Netflix.  It was 6:00 so I decided to get ready. After my shower I decided to put on a black dress. With that I put on black high heels, goldedn earrings.  I did my makeup and I curled my hair. I heard the door bell so I went down stairs . I opened the door to see Teo.

"Wow, you look amazing" he said

" you do too" I said smiling

"Ready to go"

" Ya" I said while grapping my bag

*at blues(where the date is) *

" wait,  so the lady caught you guys ding dong ditching her house and throw eggs at you guys" Teo said

" oh, and don't forgot her wetting us with water"

We both started laughing

"Sounds like you , know how to have fun, Kay"

" I have an idea" I say while smiling

" I can tell it is one evil idea" he said while laughing

" maybe" I said and laughed

"Okay, what is it"

" lets egg Cameron's house"

" sounds like an amazing idea"

" I know right"

"What happened between you two"

" he told me to go die"

"Don't listen to him"


Then I saw Cameron and the rest of the guys.

"Can we go" I asked

" you saw him, didn't you "


Then Teo got up and went towarda Cameron.

" Don't you ever tell Kay to die ever again" Teo said to Cam

" I didn't mean to"

" you didn't mean to ,so you just go tell everyone to go die" I say

" I was mad"

" you had no right" 

"I'm sorry"

" you lied to me"

"I know I'm sorry"


"Never mind don't answer that" I said

Then I saw the devil, Chris.

"Teo , umm... Chris is here" I say

" I won't let him touch you, lets go"

As I walked out the door  I heard Cam scream my name . Outside , I saw Chris again. How the hell did he get out he so fast?

"Hey babe" Chris said

" what do you want from me?"

" you already know"

" just leave me alone you and I will never have sex"

" That's what you think" he said

" Leave her alone " Teo said

"Lets go " Teo whispered to me .

I went inside the car and heard Chris scream: you can't run away from me all the time.

* at Kay's house*

"Stay with me tonight" I said

" okay"

I saw Teo getting comfortable on the floor.

" get on the bed"

"You sure"


I got a text from Cam

C: I'm sorry, please forgive me

K: It's okay, I forgive you

C:OMG! THANK YOU!! :) :))

K: :))  no problem , I'm tired goodnight bye

C: goodnight beautiful :)))

I smiled and fell alseep. 

Hey amazing people , so what do you think ?
I might update tomorrow, well today later on but I don't know. It's Thanksgiving so I got to see. 
Oh the picture is what Kay wore to the date.
                    Xoxo ~

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