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Kay's Pov :
"These memories
Their driving me insane.
They keep on coming .
Their on replay.
Everyone tells me to forget.
But how can i forget when you gave me so much to remember?
Baby, i miss you.
Baby, i still love you.
You were the stars to my night sky.
The laces to my shoes.
Without you, im not whole.
I wish i could forget .
I wish i could forget these memories. " I sang as I played my panio.
I wrote these lyrics down before the accident. I lost my memory after the accident. I last thing i remember is sending a text to Nash and Teo forgiving them. Other than that Cameron and I are still dating and we are so happy. And the guys and I are best friends still. Cameron said nothing really much happened after i forgave Nash & Teo. Just going to the movies , lazy days pretty much it, nothing important. But i feel like he is lieing to me. I feel like something important did happen and has to do with these song lyrics  i wrote. Is Cameron lieing to me? Is he a liar?

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