Chapter 06

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Ira stood behind the counter in his hotel, Steven at his side, watching the doors and jumping every time he heard a woman laugh. His head swiveled in the direction of a cluster of five women walking from one end of the hotel to the other, his eyes searching their faces and finding them all lacking.

"Relax," Steven said.

Ira shook his head. "How can I? I ruined any chance I had with her."

"She was already engaged when you met her. Your chances started out in tatters. You only turned them to shreds."

Ira gave Steven a look and he quieted down, but it didn't wipe the smirk off his face. Ira knew he was far more lax with his employees than other bosses in his position might be, but he preferred that the people working for him liked him. He liked them, after all, otherwise he wouldn't have hired them. Ira would never have wanted to work with someone he couldn't stand.

"Hey," Steven said, nudging Ira out of his reverie. He'd been staring at the doors for so long his eyes were becoming watery. "Is that her?" He nodded his head in the direction of the staircase, and Ira saw a woman with flowing blonde hair tied back behind her neck, and a hint of rouge on her cheeks, slowly descending the steps.

"It's her," Ira said and quickly gathered up the items he'd assembled for her from behind the counter.

His heart beat rapidly as he gathered the flowers, chocolates, and small jewelry box into his arms and headed towards her at a rapid pace. She looked up at his approach but instead of slowing, she quickened her steps. Ira quickened his as well.

"Belle, wait!" he called to her.

She turned her head slightly, her sky-blue eyes filled with emotions he could not entirely fathom. Her irritation was clear, but what of the other things he saw lurking behind those beautiful pools? Concern? Embarrassment? He couldn't be sure.

"Go away, Ira," she said.

"Please, hear me out," he said. It had been two days since he'd last seen her, and in that short time his heart felt as though it had been ripped in half. The only thing stopping it from being crushed completely was the knowledge that she had yet to find the man she was supposed to wed, which meant he still had a chance to make things right with her.

"I've got chocolate," he said, desperation creeping into his voice. He hated to hear it there but was powerless to stop it. It worked, however, and Belle's pace finally slowed. Her head turned in his direction, and her eyes lifted ever so slightly to his.

"Chocolate?" she said, looking closer now at the items in his arms.

"Yes," he said and handed her the box he'd gotten from the new chocolatier that had opened in town just a few weeks ago. It had cost him a pretty penny for an entire box, but he had held back no expense.

She took the box from him and opened it, her eyes widening. She licked her soft pink lips, leaving a sheen on them as she salivated over the rich sugary treats.

"Have one," he said, still holding the flowers and jewelry like a fool. A love-struck fool, but a fool nevertheless.

Her finger edged towards one dark brown piece that seemed to be oozing caramel at its center, then pulled back. She closed the box back up and handed it to him. "No, thank you," she said.

He ignored the box she was trying to give him and attempted to hand her the flowers instead. She glanced casually at them.

"They're beautiful," she said. "But I can't accept them."

He groaned. "Must you make everything so difficult? Please, take the flowers." He realized too late he'd said the wrong thing.

Belle's eyes widened, and her brows drew together. "I make things difficult?" she snapped, raising her voice. "It is your lies that have made things difficult between us. Not me."

Ira caught Steven watching them from behind the counter. Mildred and Frank, two of his other employees, had joined him. They were watching the scene like it was a theatrical show being put on just for them. It irritated him, and he began to lose his temper.

"You're right," he said, grinding his teeth together. "I'm sorry. Forgive me." He thrust the jewelry box towards her. It was small and square, covered in black velveteen. She looked at it questioningly.

"What's this?" she asked.

"Take it. It's for you."

She hesitated, then curiosity seemed to get the better of her and she took it. Her eyes widened at the diamond earrings displayed inside the case. She touched them with the tip of her forefinger. Her lips parted and for a moment he thought he'd won her over, then she quickly closed the box.

"These must have cost you..." She shook her head uncomprehendingly. "I can't accept them. It's foolish of you to spend so much money on me. How could you even afford such a thing? These could pay your rent for three months, at least, I'm sure." She handed them back to him, and he was annoyed now with both himself, for being on the losing end of this battle, and with her, for rejecting him.

"They're not real," he said quickly. "It's only costume jewelry." The earrings were, in fact, very real and very expensive, but he would not tell her that now, after she'd called him foolish.

"I want only to apologize for my behavior to you and your friends the other day, leading you around as I did. I only wished for your company."

"Then you should have said as much."

"You would have told me I could not have it."

She pressed her lips together. "Perhaps, but perhaps not."

"Give me a chance to make it up to you."

"How?" she asked, and for a brief moment he felt he was getting through to her, swaying her back to his side.

"Allow me to help you find Hale Mackery. I don't know how yet, but if I have to, I'll hire a detective to help track him down. One of those new Pinkerton detectives everyone's talking about if that's what it takes."

She smiled sadly, almost indulgently at him. "I must go," she said, and this time she did not just hold the jewelry box out to him, she opened his fingers and pressed the box into his hand.

"Don't you want to find Mr. Mackery?" he asked, feeling that tingle of desperation again.

"I've already found him. In fact, I'm meeting him now," she said, and turned away from him with a defiant air.

His mouth dropped open and he wasn't sure whether or not to believe her. She strode out of his hotel. Ira paused, then quickly thrust the gifts he'd been holding into Steven's laughing hands and went after her.

He'd made it no more than two steps outside the hotel when he saw Belle embracing Sheriff Anthony Pace. He stopped in his tracks, his heart thumping against his ribcage, and a small choking sound escaping his lips.

He watched her take the sheriff's arm and walk off together.

Sheriff Anthony Pace... what are you up to?

Anger burned in his gut, but more than anger was worry. Whatever the sheriff was playing at, Belle was bound to get hurt. Ira's own lies had not been meant to cause her pain, but if the sheriff was telling her he was Hale Mackery, he could have no other motive than to hurt her for his own selfish gain. Ira would not let that happen. He didn't know why he felt such a pull towards Belle, he knew only that he wanted to protect her, no matter the cost to himself... or anyone else.

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