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love will happen when it wants_jungkook's povit was two days until his track meet

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love will happen when it wants
jungkook's pov
it was two days until his track meet. he was quite nervous, to say the least.

slipping his running shoes onto his feet and tying the laces, he left his dorm room. surprisingly, yugyeom was actually in the room, having a nap because he was hungover from a recent party.

careful not to wake his roommate, jungkook exited the dorm and snuck out of the building.

it was midday, the sun shone and blinded the boy. despite the decent weather, a cold autumn breeze sent chills up his spine. this was a clear hint towards the winter that drew near.

huffing, jungkook stuffed his hands in his pockets. strolling to the college's track, he took time to stretch and warm up his muscles.

his mind was clouded with worry.

a mix of anxiety towards the upcoming the meet and having taehyung there to watch stormed his mind.

jungkook ran a hand through his hair as he made his way to take his place on the track.

noting how the red in his hair was beginning to fade. the boy set a mental reminder to get his hair redone one of these days.

exhaling, his breath turned into a puff of dog before him.

jungkook then took his place in his usual starting position in one of the many lanes of the track.

on your mark.

get set.

taehyung's pov
the male was currently in the mall.

he hated shopping, yes, but after spotting the stunning bracelet for jisoo in an ad, he knew his mission.

anything to make her happy.

finally, he stopped at the jeweller's. eyeing the store, tae's eyes landed on the wanted item of jewellery.

smiling, he approached it. reaching out a hand, his fingers brushed the bracelet in awe.

"excuse me-" he turned to speak to the cashier at the till, but his eyes caught a different accessory.

a silver braided ring sat on a mannequin's hand.

"yes, sir?" an older lady questioned, nearing the customer with a helpful smile.

"uh- how much is this ring?" discarding the bracelet, taehyung neared the smaller item.

the worker nodded approvingly.

"so you mean this lovely promise ring?" she asked.

tae nodded enthusiastically.
jisoo's pov
she hummed, singing along to the radio.

her eyes brows were creased with concentration as she wrapped her gifts for taehyung, excited for their upcoming anniversary.

it would be a year and a half of their relationship in just a span of two days.

a piece of tape stuck to her fingers. jisoo stopped her work.

mumbling a few disgruntled curses, she ripped the tape from her fingers, hissing at the sting afterwards.

suddenly her phone began to ring.

sighing, she pushed the gifts aside and took her cellphone into her hands.

smiling, she realized it was a call from home.

answering the phone, she gave a happy greeting to her family on the other end.

but with every word that she was told, her smile began to disappear.

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