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"I thought I could find some peace at this University atleast, but no. You decided to join your ass here." Nova blurted bluntly. "Such a pain in my ass." She muttered to herself.

"I could say the same." Taehyung snickered.

Shooting daggers with their eyes, they parted ways to head to their respective major blocks.

Watching them, stood Jade and Jungkook shaking their heads in annoyance upon seeing their best friends being sworn enemies for over an year now.

Nova had the most noticeable transformation they witnessed among themselves in the past year. Anyone who had seen her on the first day of their high school final year, would take atleast a minute to realise that she's the same girl.

If half the credit belongs to Jade, the other half is due to the Bussiness administration major that she opted. Despite her closed nature, she learnt to retort, defend and voice out when needed. Crying Nova was long gone, only to be replaced by a valiant one. She silently thanked her friends and especially Taehyung for riling her up to a point she couldn't hold back anymore and fire back at him with double the intensity.


Walking into her apartment, she shut the door behind her before plopping her bag down in her room.

"Asshole, are you there?" Trailing into the kitchen, she filled a cup with water and took a sip. 

"It's not asshole, bitch. It's Taehyung." Her housemate growled as he entered the kitchen.

Nova gulped some water before answering. "Former one suits you better." She snickered. "Anyway Jungkook asked you to call him." With that being said, she headed to fix herself some dinner.

"Hey, listen" Taehyung hesitated. "Can we just take turns and prepare the meals for both of us? I'm so sick of this 'make you own food' concept." He air quoted, rolling his eyes.

She turned around and folded arms her over the chest. "Nope, I don't trust you." with that, she went back to cooking her petite meal.

"Don't trust me with what? My cooking? Don't worry I do fine." he raised his voice as he bounced and sat on the island counter.

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