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"What is taking that girl so long?" Alya questioned herself as she looked at the time, once again, and realised that Marinette has been gone for nearly 45 minutes.

The brunette was too enveloped in her thoughts to even notice the mischievous looking girl walking away from the back side of the school.

Alya soon gave up on waiting for the bluenette and was about to go in the building to search for her until she saw her bruised and bloody best friend stumble out of the building and onto the road, not noticing the speeding car driving by.

It was too late.


"MARINETTE!" Alya screamed violently as she witnessed her best friend collide into a car.

She frantically rushed to Marinette's body, her eyes widening more and more with every step she took.

She kneeled in front of her limp body and turned her to face towards the brunette. "No no no no!" She shouted, getting louder each time.

Alya fished out her phone and shakily dialled the number she's come to remember by heart.




"Hey, babe. You- "

"Nino! Come back to the school. I need you, god dammit! It's all my fault. If I had gone earl-"

"Woah, Alya. Breathe. What happened?" Nino gently asked his girlfriend.

"MARI GOT INTO A CAR ACCIDENT!" Alya shouted from the other end of the line, making Nino's eyes widen. "We'll be there." He said with a shaky voice.

He ended the call as Adrien came back from the bathroom. Noticing his strange gaze, he concernedly asked, "Bro, you look dazed. You okay?"

This shook Nino out of his thoughts as he frantically strode up to Adrien and forcefully grabbed his shoulders.

Adrien glanced at the trembling hands that gripped his arms before averting his gaze to his eyes which had become glossy in the matter of seconds. "Nino, what's wrong?"

"W-we need to go b-back to the school, now. Right now, come on!" The brunette shouted while making his way out of his house with a confused Adrien following behind.

"N-Nino!" Adrien grabbed his arm. "What's going on? Where are we going?"

"We're going back to the school." Nino deadpanned.

"What? Wh-"

"MARI IS IN TROUBLE! We need to get there now or else she might not make it!" Nino exclaimed while grabbing his jacket and dragging a dazed Adrien outside and towards the school building.

As soon as Adrien and Nino arrived, they both frantically looked around at the chaos at the front of the school. They could see Principle Damocles, Ms Bustier and other teachers as well, all with solemn and shocked faces.

Adrien soon spun his head at the shouts from behind him. With wide eyes, he grabbed Nino's arm and turned him around quickly to see that his girlfriend was painfully shouting at this random man, poking him hard at the chest while the man held his hands up in surrender and continued to apologise.

The boys eventually came to their senses and rushed over to Alya's side, her shouts getting louder and louder the closer they got.

"Alya. Woah, Alya! CALM DOWN AND LOOK AT ME!" Nino demanded after she wouldn't listen to which she obeyed immediately. "What happened!? Why are you screaming at this man?"

Tired | Adrienette AUWhere stories live. Discover now