1 T H E B O O K

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"You sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Jisung asked you for what was the fifth time. His eyes conveyed a look of worry and sincerity.

This was what you loved about him. He was always protective of you and made sure you were always fine with things. He acted as the best brother you'd never had. This was why he was your best friend.

"I'll be fine Jisung. Don't worry about me. You should get back to work. You do have the night shift and boss will give you a nagging." You gave him a smile. This eased his worries a little.

"Alright, fine. Just this once. Be safe. Text me when you're home." He waved you goodbye and headed back into the office building. You smiled as you watched his slim yet muscular figure walk back into the building.

You glanced around your surroundings. It was already nightfall. The moon shone brightly and clouds seemed to surround it. The sky was like a blanket of stars. Each constellation was beautifully shaped and had its own uniqueness. There were small stars that shone brightly and large ones that didn't. Well that's breaking the stereotypes.

You sighed you could watch the sky all day but you were too tired to do so. You looked around and there was no one insight.

Why would people be around? It's midnight you idiot.

You heaved a sigh and started taking the route home. The dim orange lights of the lampposts made you feel uneasy. The streets were narrow and were eerily quiet. You started walking at a faster pace. That was when you tripped over a rock and fell to the floor.

You groaned. Thanks goodness I used my elbow. Wouldn't want to have face planted and go to work looking like I just had a cat fight. You were about to get up when something interesting came into your view.

It looked rectangular and had words written in gold. The letters shone so bright you thought you could've mistaken it as another star. You slowly started crawling towards it until the realisation hit you.

"A book?" You said out loud. You picked the object up and continued walking home. This time at a slow and steady pace.

I'll read it when I get back home.

As your house came in sight you immediately jogged towards it. You couldn't wait to take off your heels and inspect the book further. You scrambled with your keys and fiddled with the lock until it opened. You headed inside and shut the door, locking it behind you.

You took your heels of and placed them neatly onto the shoe rack. You headed into the lounge room and sat down on the couch.

You inspected the book which you held in your hands. It was a black leather book. It looked quite new. The words in gold were still shining brightly.

What is this? Is it supposed to shine?

You read the title and was confused.

Your wish


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