Act I

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"Aeźah! Hurry up, you're gonna be late for school!" Aeźah's mom yelled up the stairs. Aeźah quickly looked in the mirror and fixed her hair before out of her room.

Her mother was standing at the front door, searching for something in her purse.

"Whatcha looking for?" Aeźah asked.

"Um, are my keys on the counter?"

Aeźah walked over to the counter, "No, how do you lose your keys every morning?"

"Aye, mind ya business," Ms. Banks pointed her finger, "Oh, I see them", she grabbed her keys off the table.
"Alright, let's go."

"Aeź, I have to work a double today, so I sent you $30 for a Lyft afterschool and to order some food. 'kay?" Ms. Banks said while driving.

"'kay, I can get a ride home, but thank you anyway."

Ms. Banks sighed, "And I'm not talking about a ride from that little nappy-headed boy eith-"

Aeźah interrupted, "Ma! You said you wouldn't bring this up again."

"I'm just saying Aeźah, I don't you no where near him."

"We've been over this, I'm done with him." The fifteen year old mentally rolled her eyes.

Ms. Banks pulled into the school's parking lot. "I'm serious A, he ain't nothing but trouble. I'm just looking out for you. And just because you say you're done, don't mean you finished."

Aeźah made eye contact with her mother, "I know ma, I promise you, I'm finished."

Ms. Banks patted her daughter's hand, "Alright, go ahead and go inside."

Aeźah stepped out of the car and was immediately reminded of why some people think this is how their city was nicknamed "The Windy City".

"Love you, Duckie!", Ms. Banks called out.

"Love you too, ma."


Ja'don was woken by the sound of the bell ringing, he shot up quickly, eager to exit his AP English class.

"Alright, and make sure you finish up pages 36-40 for homework!", Mrs. Clinton (no relation) called out.

Just as he was at the door, "Also, Ja'don, I need to see you at my desk."


Ja'don approached her desk reluctantly. "Yes, Mrs. C?"

She pulled out a file from her desk drawer.

That doesn't look good.

"Um, go ahead and take a seat.", Mrs. Clinton said as she adjusted in her seat.

aw shit, ian even do nothing for real. I swear if I get in trouble, I'mma air it out on bro

Ja'don's thoughts were interrupted by Mrs. C waving her hand, in attempt to gain his attention.

"Mr. Williams, did you hear what I said?"

"Huh? Yeah, cool, cool." Ja'don said while focusing on his teacher again.

"Great, so you'll testify against him tomorrow!", Mrs. C exclaimed.

"Wait, what?"

"Mhm, maybe you should try listening to the conversation for a change, Mr. Williams."

"Yeah, my bad", Ja'don sat up attentively in his seat.

"Okay, we need to talk about your test scores. Take a look at these."

Mrs. C handed a beige folder to the teen.

Ja'don looked over the papers multiple times and couldn't believe what he saw.

He looked back up at his teacher, "So what does all of this mean?"

"It means that you have some of the highest scores in the city, but CPS is wondering why you're here at Simeon and not somewhere like Payton or Young."


"Listen, I think it'll be in your best interest to transfer, to somewhere your gift will be appreciated. Where you can learn so much more and there will be more opportunities for you to grow."

Ja'don was at a lost for words. "Mrs. C, I'm not sure what to say."

"Just think about it, you have about 3 weeks to make a decision.", She opened one of her drawers and pulled out some pamphlets. "Here, take these, make a pro and con list and come back when you make a decision, 'kay? I just want you to be happy with whichever one you make."

Ja'don took the pamphlets and left the classroom perplexed. His mind was weighed down with the thoughts of what he should for his future. His future... was arriving quicker than he thought.

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