My Special Doctor

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It has been a few days since Forth left the hospital. He remembered, when he left, Dr. Phana advised that he be careful on his motorcycle so he doesn't have to see him again. That adorable, feisty doctor is going to be so much fun to tease. Its been a while since Forth had this much fun thinking about another person. He wants to see him again, just to say thank you of course.

Forth went into his closet to find a casual outfit that would make Dr. Phana notice him. He quickly showered and changed, excited to see his doctor again. On his way, he stopped by a flower shop to buy a bouquet as a thank you gift for taking such good care of him.

(A/N: so handsome 🥰)

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(A/N: so handsome 🥰)

Forth strolled into the hospital with such confidence that all eyes turned to him the moment he walked in. He walked up to the hospital receptionist with a beaming smile and asked, "Is Dr. Phana working today by any chance?" The receptionist stared dreamily at Forth and nodded her head and replied, "He should be at lunch right now so you might catch him in the hospital canteen." Forth gave his thanks and winked at him before heading towards the lunchroom. It was definitely his lucky day as he didn't know if the gorgeous doctor of his was working or not and to be able to catch him during his lunch break as well is a definite bonus.

As he enters the lunchroom, there were lots of people there from patients to doctors eating. He looks around to look for the pristine and clean-cut look of the doctor that has been on his mind since they first met. Forth spots him when went further into the lunchroom. He smiles as he sees Dr. Phana talking and enjoying himself with his co-workers. He walks closer holding the bouquet up to his face so it covers most of his face. Once he was in front of the doctor, he pushes the bouquet to the doctor waiting to see his reaction.

Phana turned to the beautiful bouquet of flowers that was shoved in front of his face. He furrows his eyes brows and moves his eyes from the flowers up to strong broad arms then to a smiling face of his patient from a few days ago. Once his eyes met the other person's eyes, a low "Hello Dr. Phana" can be heard leaving the lips of the man as his eyes shine with a mischievous glint. Phana was slightly dumbfounded and confused. "um hi?" Phana just sat there unmoving as he looks from the flowers to Forth and back to the flowers.

The lunchroom became quiet when they notice the good looking man with the flowers walk in the room. But it went dead silent when the man walked towards the gorgeous doctor and gave it to him.  All eyes were on them, curious about what is about to happen.

"For you," Forth said as he pushed the flowers into Phana's chest, which made him grab hold of it. As Phana grabbed a hold of the flowers, Forth took this opportunity to brush his hands against the handsome doctor's hands. "as a thank you for taking such good care of me when I was in here," Forth continued.

Phana was pretty used to people being thankful for treating them but he has never had a patient personally going out of their way to buy him flowers and bringing it to him. They usually send a thank you card or have flowers delivered. He looks at the beautiful flowers in his hands then back to Forth and said, " You really don't have to since it's my job to help my patients."

As Forth hears this, he puts his hands on the table and leans toward Phana, inching close to his ears and whisper, "But I want to do this Dr. Phana since you're not just any doctor. You're my special doctor." Phana's eyes widen and he can feel his face heating up as Forth's face was really close to him and he can feel his breath brush gently against his face with every word that came out of his lips. It made his heart skip with how close they were. Before Phana could react, Forth pulled away smirking at Phana's cute reaction and said, "Well Dr. Phana, I just wanted to say thank you. I'll leave you to enjoy your lunch so you can get back to helping those lovely patients of yours." With that, Forth turned and whistle happily as he made his way out of the lunchroom, leaving a flustered Phana and a curious audience behind.

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