2~He's in a gang?

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When they arrived in New York they immediately pulled out their camera's and took a few photo's of the beautiful sight they had seen. They called a cab, hopped into their ride and Ibe told the driver to take them to"the bar on west st" (Idek if that's a real street).

"What was that sir" said the driver.

Ibe wasn't good with english and asked Eiji to talk instead.

"He said please take us to the bar on west st" Eiji said quietly.

"I'm on it" Replied the driver.

                          ~time skip~

"What is this?".Eiji asked Ibe in shock.

"Honestly kid I have no idea".Ibe also said in shock as well.

They walked into the bar and almost everyone immediately turned to stare at them.

"I-I am here to see Ash Lynx" Eiji somehow was able to spit out those words before a somewhat tall blonde walked over and said".

"That's me what do you want".Ash responded irritated

"It's Thursday, the day for your interview". Eiji said

"Oh yeah, follow me". He said before making a hand gesture towards himself.

Ash brought them back to a cornered room in the bar's basement, it was pretty dark since no one went down  there, they sat down at a large table with old rusted stools.

"Alright ask away".Ash said with a grin on his face.

Right when Eiji was about to ask a question Ibe got an important phone call and left the room. Now Ash and Eiji were alone.
                      ~time skip~

Ibe walked back into the room and told Eiji that

<<"I have to go I need to go to the post office and get the letter your mother sent you I will be back in an hour".

"Okay I will see you later I guess". Is all Eiji said before Ibe left.

"Okay Ash I'm going to ask you a few questions".

-What is New York like on the daily?
-Boring, and loud

-How many time's a day do you see a police car?
-I mean it depends on if I'm good or not.

-Are you in a gang or group of ppl who do bad things?

"Okay Ash those were all of the questions I needed to ask you thank you for cooperating with me".

Eiji stood up, pushed in his stool and walked towards the door to exit the room.

"Wait". Ash said looking into Eiji's light brown eye's and walked over to him.

"Please ask me more questions". He asked while sitting back down in his stool.

I Finally Found The One For Me(AshxEiji)Where stories live. Discover now