Before the show

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He knows that sometimes she might forget or be so busy that she's wrapped up in what she's doing and doesn't realise the time, so they get into a routine where he can gently remind her when it's time.

"Ames" Karim gently pulls on her arm to get her attention from the conversation she's having. She politely excuses herself and they go back to his dressing room.

Amy sat down on the couch, breathing out a sigh. She was exhausted and feeling a little rough this week, which Karim has obviously noticed. He had been unwell to the point of them missing a days training so they knew she could've caught what he'd had and it left her feeling a bit rough.

Karim smiled at her. She didn't look like she wanted to move at all
"Want me to find them?" Karim offered.

Amy nodded and so he went into her bag, with permission, and found her meds. She sat up a little and he sat next to her.

He handed over the meds and a bottle of water, watching as she took them before lying down with her head on his lap. He began to stroke her hair, hoping that with her getting ill it wouldn't affect her chronic illness too much as he knew when that got bad she was in for a rough time.

He just continued to stroke her hair for a little while, it was oddly soothing for him as well as being calming for her. It just felt right and safe being close to her like this.

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