At home

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After the show Karim excused them immediately to just go straight home. The rest of the cast were understanding, it had been hard seeing Amy so ill, the coughing had only seemed to get worse as the night progressed. It was a shame that they had been scheduled to perform last though in some ways it was good too as Amy had plenty of time to rest up before the dance.

Karim gently guided her into their flat, an arm looped around as the other hand unlocked then relocked the door.

"C'mon love, straight to bed with you" he said, not leaving any room for a protest from his notoriously stubborn girlfriend. She needed rest and he would make sure that she was looking after herself.

He helped her change into a nightshirt and then got her settled into the bed. She never quite seemed to be able to settle down properly though, he at first thought it was just her stubborn nature once again but then realised she seemed to be in pain

"Ames? Are you okay?" He asked her, realising that she didn't seem to be able to focus her eyes at all and he was getting a bit worried. He stroked her cheek and her eyes looked in his general direction, he then noticed she was drenched in sweat.

"Hold on babe, I'm getting a cold cloth and I need to take your temperature"

He ran quickly to the bathroom and gathered up a thermometer which he placed in her mouth and a cold compress that he draped across her forehead.

"There we go love" he reassured her, stroking her hair soothingly as he took out the thermometer.

"Shit" he whispered under his breath, her temperature was very high "Babe I'm calling Lucy over okay, you need some medical help"

Lucy arrived fairly quickly given the time of night, luckily she had been only just about to leave the studio having stayed for the after party which Karim and Amy had skipped this week given her illness.

"Hi sweetheart" Lucy greeted her, sitting on the side of the bed and getting her portable doctors kit out.

"Karim tells me you've been in pain quite a bit, and that you're running a fever" she said, Amy didn't really respond other than a slight pained groan. The doctor lifted up the cold cloth, which had now turned quite warm with how hot Amy was. She turned to Karim who was hovering anxiously.

"Could you go rinse this out and get it cold again for her?" She asked, the boy looked a little pensive to leave his girlfriends side but Lucy reassured him that she had the situation under control and that it would be a big help for him to replace the cloth.

He left the room to do so, not before he pensively looked back at Amy a few times.

"You're lucky to have him, huh? He's really taking good care of you" Lucy told Amy, who managed a very weak smile. This was good as it showed she was aware of things happening rather than being just completely consumed by the pain.

"Let's get this medicine into you huh? It'll help bring down your fever and reduce the pain by a good amount" she said, feeding Amy the medicine. The girl whined a little but it was just as Karim walked back into the room. She managed another smile.

"There we go, he's back and he's brought a new cold compress for your forehead, you lucky girl" Lucy smiled, letting Karim place the compress on Amys head, he did so after kissing her forehead tenderly. He noticed that her temperature had already decreased by a little which was helping to reassure him that the meds were working.

"Does she need.... more help, or are we good here for now?" he asked Lucy, not wanting to mention the H word around Amy as he didn't want to upset her and knew that she would vehemently protest but he just wanted what was best for her.

"She should be okay, her temperature is coming down and she's fairly lucid. I've started her on some antiviral medicine and she'll need to keep up her own meds as well but she should be fine" Lucy said and Karim breathed a sigh of relief "Bring her in to me on Monday when you come for training but any worries before then you've got my number, just text or call"

Karim thanked Lucy and saw her to the door, getting a glass of water and Amys meds whilst he was near the kitchen before taking them back up to her. She did look a little better than before, clearly she was still sick but he could clearly tell that her temperature was down and she didn't seem to be in as much pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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