The Questions

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I now understand why he said he wouldn't be home often. They go on tour a lot. Wow... Well I guess now that I know about him, I can finally get some rest.

The Next Day...

I woke up at around 8 o'clock and immediately wanted to go ask Zach why he wanted his fame a secret. So I checked my phone to see if there were any messages and it turns out that Zach had already texted me "Good Morning neighbor" and asked when a good time was for him to come over and that he was free all day.  I replied saying, "Hey. Just woke up sorry. Good morning. I'll be ready in about 10 minutes and you can come over whenever you would like after 10 minutes from now." Zach replied saying, "The clock is ticking. Better get going."
Immediately after reading that text, I got up, put some clothes on, fixed my bed head of hair, and got shoes on all within 8 minutes. That gave me time to style my hair into two french braids and go downstairs. By the time I got downstairs, Zach was already using the doorbell to his advantage letting me know he was here in the most annoying way. I opened the door and jokingly said,"No solicitors." And shut the door in his face. Two seconds after, I opened the door laughing and said, "Sorry Zach. You rang the doorbell so many times I thought someone was trying to sell something. Please come in"
Zach: "Thank you" *giggles* "How are you?"
Sophi: "I'm alright. But I'm also a little sidetracked."
Zach: "Sidetracked? About what?"
Sophi: "Well... Zach, can I ask you something? It's serious and I expect complete honesty okay?"
Zach: "Okay. Ask away."
Sophi: "Well, your name kept coming up in my head last night and I was curious on why you told me to tell nobody I knew you. So I Googled it. Why did you tell me you were in a band and sang so many songs that are out there and had so many fans? Did you think I would judge you for it?"
Zach: "Shit, um... Well Sophi, yes I am in a band and yes the guys I live with are my bandmates. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to think different of me just because I have fame. I wanted to feel just a little more normal than I already do. I never thought you would judge me, and don't get me wrong I didn't think you would think of me different, but girls practically throw themselves at us everywhere we go so I didn't want my neighbor to go into stalker mode and want the same. Not that I think you're a stalker I just...never mind you get the point."
Sophi: "Wow Zach... I think I get the concept of your thinking now. I'm sorry for going into question mode but I was really curious. Thank you for being honest with me."
Zach: "Yeah no problem. So do you have any more questions?"
Sophi: "Well, I do but I would rather ask another time. Besides, your fame doesn't matter to me. It's the person that counts and the person on the inside that counts. Let's get upstairs and start unpacking my room since my mom is in charge of everything else."
Zach: "Okay. Feel free to ask as many questions as you want a long as they're reasonable. And you seem like a pretty cool person to hang out with. Not judemental and are accepting and openly and very bluntly honest. I like it. We should hang out some time. Get to know each other more. Ya know?"
*Begins walking upstairs with Zach*
Sophi: "Hey man thanks. I mean lets not downgrade yourself though. You're smart, use smart and encouraging words, honest... It suits you."
*Leads Zach into her bedroom*
Sophi: "This is it so far... Air mattress, nightstand, and lots of boxes. So what do you wanna set up first?"
Zach: "Well let's do your bed first since you need to sleep somewhere other than an air mattress. Let's get the bedframe up."
Sophi: "Okay. That's right there and the mattress is against the wall."

*Zach and Sophi put on some music after hooking up Sophi's speaker and phone and begin assembling the bedframe. Once the bedframe is done, they place the mattress and add sheets and pillows from the boxes.*
Sophi: "Oh my gosh thank you so much Zach. I definitely wouldn't have been able to do that on my own."
Zach: "Yeah no problem. Is there anything else you need help assembling? Or are we on free time?"
Sophi: "Nah we're ok free time. Anything specific you wanna do?"
Zach: "Well we could sit for a bit and talk. Get to know each other a bit more if you'd like."
Sophi: "Good idea. We can sit on the bed it's prolly the most comfortable there anyways."
*Both sit on the bed and Zach begins the conversation*

To be continued...

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