Part 1

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March 15, 2020. Renalise, Pennsylvania.

The wind was blowing violently. Evelyn's hair was getting in her face, so she lifted her hood. The gravel path was making loud cracks while she walked. The moonlight was so dim, so she had to use her phone as her light. The large clock in the center of town rang three times, 3:00 am.

The cold air was heavy on her lungs, as she was shivering. She was only wearing a dull pastel pink and white hoodie, matching hat and shoes, and pastel blue shorts. She thought of dressing warm, but changed her mind. She wasn't gonna feel the cold for much longer.

The fog was starting to settle in. The gate to the cemetery was open enough so she could shimmy her way in. The sound of barking dogs and hissing street cats began to arise. Elvelyn continued walking along the gravel path in the graveyard.


Evelyn froze in her tracks. Right behind her a branch snapped. Did someone follow her? Light steps approached her.

'Non human...' she thought.

She felt something brush against her leg and a soft meow. She looked down and saw a small white cat. She picked it up and it purred.

"You wanna join on my adventure?"

It meowed like saying yes. She held the cat with one arm, continuing down the trail. All the way into the mist, as the phone flashlight's glow, dimmed out.

A few minutes later a loud splash from the river was heard.


March 27, 2020. Renalise, Pennsylvania.

"It has been almost two weeks since fifteen year old, Evelyn Rose, went missing," the anchor woman said. "Evelyn's parents say that she went to her room and when they went to wake her up, she was missing. They have tried contacting her, but to no success. If you know the whereabouts of Evelyn, please call the police."

The students sat in silence as the news report continued. Evelyn was pretty well known throughout the school. She was team captain on the girls basketball team. She participated in many fundraisers. She had a good reputation in this school.

Her friends were devastated, but her family was beginning to fall apart. Her twin brother began to argue with their parents more and more, while her younger sister began to distance herself from her parents, and began to only talk to her older brother. The two didn't wanna lose each other, just like they just lost Evelyn.

Their father began to drink heavily, something he hasn't done since the death of his brother. Mother began smoking again, even though she went cold turkey ten years ago. It seemed that they were returning to their old roots.

Neighbors and people at school wished the family that they hope Evelyn would return home.


November 4, 2019. Renalise, Pennsylvania.

"So this is what I get for being your friend for seven years! You went behind my back, and accused me of cheating on Garret! Just so you can have him!? You're selfish!" Evelyn yelled at Stacy.

"Garret deserves to be with someone prettier and better. Like me! You may be popular, but that's it. You have nothing else!" Stacy mocked.

Evelyn had tears running down her face. She ran out of the school and ran to her home. She collapsed in her bed. She cried into her pillow. Her brother, Andrew, heard the whole argument. Andrew walked into Evelyn's room and sat on the bed next to her. He rubbed her back.

"It's okay Eve," he started, "you can find way better friends then her."

Evelyn sat up, wiped her tears, and hugged Andrew. She cried into his shoulder as he patted her back.

Thirty minutes later, their twelve year old sister, Iris, walked in the room. She can over and hugged Evelyn. She knew what to do in these situations, after the many times this happened to her.

"At least you'll always have us," Iris said.

"Yeah," the twins said in unison.


August 30, 2019. Renalise, Pennsylvania.

"Happy birthday!" Iris yelled.

"Thanks Iris!" Andrew thanked her.

"Sure do love having the first day of school on our birthday," Evelyn chuckled. "Happy birthday, now get your butt to school!"

The two others laughed at Evelyn's joke. They all grabbed their bags and began to walk to school. They said bye to iris as she ran into the middle school. The two continued on the sidewalk.

When they passed the cemetery, Evelyn stopped. Andrew stopped and looked back at her.

"Do you wanna explore there one day?" she asked him.

"No," he then chuckled, "why are you so weird?"

Evelyn just shrugged and then went back to walking towards school. As they walked away, a small white cat came out of the cemetery. It's blue crystal eyes, turning red, and then back to blue.


February 14, 2020. Renalise, Pennsylvania.

Andrew and Iris stood outside of Evelyn's room. Evelyn had locked herself in and was a crying mess. She was humiliated in front of the entire school. Stacy and her friends threw their lunch on Evelyn. The entire cafeteria was laughing, mocking her. She went home early today.

When the two others came home and heard her crying. They kept asking to come in, but after a few minutes they stopped asking. Iris sat down and leaned against the door, while Andrew leaned on the wall.

Their parents came home and got Evelyn to come out of her room. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying too much. Iris hugged Evelyn tightly. Evelyn smiled, and told her she was gonna be okay.

That night Andrew surprised his sisters with tickets to the movies, Sonic the Hedgehog.


December 25, 2019. Renalise, Pennsylvania.

"Thank you so much!" Iris yelled jumping up and down, holding her new Nintendo Switch in her arms.

"I saved up some money from work, and with the help of Evelyn, we were able to afford it," Andrew said.

Iris smiled and hugged her siblings. She then grabbed two presents and handed one to each of them. They unwrapped them and they were two hand made drawings of them, in picture frames, made by Iris. The two smiled widely.

"This is so cool!" Andrew said.

"You're really talented Iris!"

Iris smiled sweetly, "Thank you!"

The rest of Christmas was spent drinking hot chocolate, being swaddled in blankets, and watching Christmas themed horror movies.


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