Chapter Four

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1 Month Later

Sabrina's P.o.v

"1...2...3... Push !" The doctor yelled

I pushed as hard as I can

"We see a head Push !!" She yelled again

I swear if this damn lady tell me to push one more time !

I pushed while squeezing Luke's hand.

I heard a little cry.

"It's a girl" she said

"Were gonna go clean her and then you can hold her." She said

We nodded.

Luke kissed me. "Good job bae"

"Thank you " I said smiling

The nurse walked back with the baby and gave her to me. She was sooo Beautiful !

"What should we name her ?" I ask

"Faith Carmen Lanes " he said

I smiled" I like that" afterwards Katrina and Alex walked in.

"Omg " she said walking to me and looking at faith.

"She's soo pretty " she said kissing my forehead and gave luke a hug.

"Proud of you man" Alex said dapping/hugging luke.

"Can I hold her ?" Trina asked

"Yea" I said handing her over

Then Renae,Irene,tanii walked in with the guys.

"Ahhhh heyy boo!" Tanii yelled hugging me

"Man tanii shut up can't you see a new borns is in the room ?" Junior said

Tanii just rolled her eyes and went over to trina.

"Lemme hold her" she said

Trina looked at her like she was crazy.

"Noo ! " and walked to the other side of the room.

"Stop hogging the baby and give it to her " Alex told her

Trina pouted and gave faith to tanii.

"What's her name ?" Renae asked looking at her.

"Faith Carmen Lane" I said softly

"Bet my bro thought of that " Mike said tapping Luke's back .

"You already know" he said

I looked at them .

"Not that you can't think of names ",Mike said hugging me

I smiled "just shut up mike" .

"OK that's enough tanii let me hold her " Irene said taking the baby from tanii.

"Don't drop her " jace said

"Shuddup jace " Irene said playing with her hands.

"You soo cute my god daughter funna be spoiled " Irene said kissing her cheek

"Hold up ? I ain't the god momma ? " renae asked

Everyone just stayed quiet.

"it's ok nae you'll have one coming" Trina said

Nae clapped .

"Or we can make our own babies" Mike said

Everyone laughed.

After that everyone went home and I was left at the hospital till tomorrow. And luke left with faith. So I just went to sleep.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while it's just my phone been acting up . But there ya go.

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