The reason why is....

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Lyon POV

Yawn! Good morning! Time to go to Lamia Scale. I dressed up and ran to the guild. I saw Cherie and the rest of the gang.

"Ohayo, mina."

"Ohayo lyon-samaaaa"


"Want to go on a quest?" One of them said.

"Yeah, but I'm busy today "

"Why are you always busy now a days? "

"Um... no reason! "

"Then come with us to the job! "

"NO!!! "

I broke and I almost froze the whole guild hall and almost froze master! Okay, now I'm dead.

"Lyon!!!? " matser cried out.

"Yes master? "

"What now!? "

"Sorry they just kept on bugging me. "

"That doesn't give you the right to do this,"

"Gomenasai, master,"

"Now, why don't you want to go to the job," they asked.

"The reason why is...."


"I want to go to..."


"Fairy tail,"

"What, what!!!!!"they said in unison.


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