Part 6

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Sayaka stampeded down the paved street in the downpour, clutching the note that Madoka had passed her in class that day close to her chest. Her worries raged as the storm clouds above her, and her head spun. The rain poured harder just as Sayaka was halfway home, and she stomped harder in her frustration. Even the rain ignores me now! Might as well take longer, wallow in failure and despair!

The blunette nursed the blasted note tight to her chest, as if strangling someone who wounded her. In a way, it had stabbed needles straight through her soul, along with her pounding headache. Sayaka had shared her fears, and Madoka had brushed her off, not even in person! The needles in her brain and her chest twisted with some sadistic glee, weaving her worst fears together. How Madoka stood the raven haired girl's presence was puzzling to her. Madoka was never one to care about looks, so Homura being infuriatingly beautiful meant nothing, since there was no way that was the only reason Madoka put up with her, and she knew Hitomi anyways. There was no way Sayaka would believe that someone so aloof and cold, who seemed to not care about anyone at all but Madoka would be innocent in all of this, however. Sayaka knew how easily her pink-haired friend's kindness could be manipulated, and she had no intention of letting this leech keep dragging her friend down. Her fist tightened on the note in it as she fumed harder at its contents.

Hello, Sayaka.

I know you don't like my new friend, Homura, but I think that you going out of your way to instigate her is really childish of you. Her being quiet and needing me to start conversations most of the time isn't really suspicious to me, and it's definitely not an excuse to goad her. Sure, she's been cold to you. You've called her rude and selfish. I love both of my friends, and I've known you and trusted you since we were little, but I'm not about to let you ruin my chances and hurt my new friends just because you're jealous or because you don't trust me enough to make my own choices and think you need to guard me like a sad sack. Please try to be nicer to Homura, and to me about this. If you really think you have a reason to act this way, tell me in private when you can actually put it into words.

Your friend,


Sayaka's fist shook and her stomping turned to running as she recalled the grim expression on Madoka's face as she passed Sayaka the note. It was more than clear to her that Homura was a drain on Madoka, nothing but a parasite taking advantage of her sweet nature, and she no matter how many times she brought it up, Madoka never seemed to believe her! Madoka would never listen to her warnings because for some reason, Sayaka couldn't bring up what exactly Homura did, but just from looking at how much of Madoka's thoughts Homura occupied, it was obvious! Actually, I can tell just what's wrong with that girl. She does nothing! Madoka puts in all this work, and all she bothers to do is go along with it! She doesn't care about actually spending time with Madoka, she just goes along with everything and puts in no effort as an excuse to stay around her! It's disgusting how much of Madoka's time she takes up when she could be spending it with people who care about her! Homura's snootiness was so frustrating that Sayaka couldn't stand being around her for more than five minutes without commenting on it. Of course she made a remark; it was inhuman how little that jerk's face moved!

If only I could say it better, Sayaka mulled, embarrassed at how easily Homura had brushed her off and Madoka had ignored her.

Say what? An ugly knot tied in the bluenette's stomach. How I was ogling her suspiciously? How nothing Madoka said was technically wrong? The knot squeezed contempt out of her, and she suddenly found she didn't care. Homura was creepy, and it sucked how blind Madoka was to that. It sucked that her suspicions got her brushed off when all she was trying to do was protect her friend! She just wanted to make sure no one took advantage of her! She just wanted to make her happy! She just wanted-

Does Madoka even want to still be friends with me?

She's always around this crabby Homura girl now!... Aren't I her friend too?

Am I really so far in the wrong that Madoka won't bother to tell her to shut up with the salt? Does she even bother with me?

Is it because I'm so selfish? Pining after her like a sack of silver? Not getting along with this girl who was rude to me once?

Sayaka hated it. Hated Homura. Hated herself.

Stopping straight in the rain, body and eyes going dull and slack, she wrapped arms around herself. Was she even the same person? Did the throbbing in her head and the dizzying grip of anxiety around Homura tell her she was going insane? Tears ran down her face, the only shining thing betraying her emotions.

Sayaka almost didn't notice when someone bowled right into her, knocking her onto the soaking wet sidewalk and the note from her now relaxed hand.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! You're soaking now!"

Blue eyes snapped to attention and focused on a girl wearing a Mitakihara Middle School uniform that she hadn't seen before, shocked expression framed by blonde twin drills.

" Would you like to come to my house and dry off? It's the least I could do..."

Sayaka turned over the offer in what was left of her brain. Maybe talking to someone she wasn't crying over would help her get her stuff straight.

"Sure, I'd love to."

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