Chapter 5

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~Got To Stay Alive~


BB8 chirps inquisitively at me and I flip around to him.

"You saw Rey run into the forest?!"

You lift your head up to multiple TIE fighters and you gasp. First Order.

"We need to get her! And get out of here!" You exclaim. "Go find Rey! Please, I'm begging you! I'll find Han- OW OW!!"

BB8 beeps at you aggressively, practically fuming. You crouch down to the ground who is now after your shins.

"You won't lose me too. I promise." You give him a kiss on his head and he calms down. "Go find her. Please."

You run off but BB8's loyalty is higher and he follows you. You don't have time to argue against BB8 and you draw your purple saber.

Lasers fire and you gasp. The place is crumbling down with fire and flames. Being destroyed by a hundred and one TIE fighters.

It's falling apart.

You draw your saber and run. Troopers who come in your way are decimated and they fall. You get shot in the ankle and you scream loudly. Landing in the dirt. BB8 heroically rolls ahead and since the trooper is so close, zaps him and disables him. BB8 rolls over to you again, being careful with his zapper arm still out.

You wince, hissing in but you manage to limp at the slightest.

"Come on, Chewie!"

Your head instantly flips to the sound of Han's voice. BB8 rolls forward as you run off. You run toward Finn instead, who shoves the blue saber right through a trooper.


His head snaps in your direction and you see Han and Chewie not too far away.


Finn faces off against a trooper with a taser staff. Multiple troopers attack you over and over again. You kill them and throw them to the ground. Finn is in desperate need but is quickly blasted back thanks to Han and Chewie. You run over to the trio, BB8 chirping behind you.

"Where's Rey?" Han asks. You shake your head. Unsure.

"Don't move!"
"There's the droid!"

Stormtroopers corner you. Every angle on the battlefield.

"TK-338, we have targets in custody."

Before you can draw your saber. It's stolen from you. As well as the one Finn is holding. BB8 tries to zap troopers ankles, but gives up when too many stir around.

"Y/n, leave her alone!" Han yells. You grunt as a trooper grabs you and forces you and the unit away from your friends. You show them a look of sympathy, trying to assure them it'll be okay before turning back to the trooper. "You won't get away with this." You growl through gritted teeth. The trooper merely laughs, grabbing your chin with his fingers. "Oh, my pretty lady. We sure will."

REMEMBER ME ➸ Poe Dameron X Reader(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now