Council Member Introductions; CMI: Tyrone

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Name: Tyrone

Gender: Male

Species: Fae

Age: 15 centuries

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 134

Appearance: Sharp ears. Long, straight, white/silvery hair. Black leather pants. Black knee-high boots. Two Katanas strapped to his back. Carries a sceptor. Wears a necklace.

Personalities: Direct. Patient. Curious. Sane.

Unique traits: His scepter marks what territory he belongs to. His necklace contains a four-leafed clover. Is a Prince. Can see into the future of his own kind.

History: Kidnapped from Earth, from his royal-line. Allegiance to the Tygher Council. Has a record for defending planets.

Eye color: Dark, emerald, green.

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