The new job of a new life

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Y/N pov.

This is the best day of all, every other days would be the same, wake up, work, sleep. Boring yes. But today is the day that everything changes. Let me explain.

As I was watching some good old tv during my daily afternoon snack, I see a new amusement park that opened  and was looking for a new guard. At first it sounded boring but then.... "this park is pretty big and far from the city, we won't ask you to pay to stay in our hotel as much as you please, even live here! Free food from the stands and free rides during the night! The only tasks we ask is to clean areas of the park and make sure that the food from the stands aren't passed dated. Our animatronics have free roaming and are really nice, like a family! Join us now to Freddy Land!" Said a guy that was wearing a red jacket.

Huh. Free food and rent? The job doesn't that bad and I kinda need to do something different than my old work of cleaning cars alone in an old scary house. I checked the detailed list of how to enter. "Above 15 and able to stay up at night easily? Piece of cake when you never get sleep from the party neighbors" I said to myself in a funny tone.

I called the number that was shown on the tv and a man on the other line with a stern confidant voice answered like a fast food employing. "Welcome to freddy land how can I help you?"

I was nervous since I wasn't much of a stalker myself to ask stuff but on the phone it wasn't that bad. "Hello...y-yes I would like to apply for the guard job sir." I tried to sound relaxed so that guy wouldn't think im a weak talker.

"Oh thanks god..." the guy whispered but I could clearly hear, didn't mind it tho.
"Of course sir, we've been trying to get guards for a while as fast as we could" the man sad with a relieved tone

I was confused since it was the first time I heard of freddy land but I was happy to hear that I had a high chance to get accepted "when can I meet up for the interview? I need a job as soon as possible." I said nervously trying to not sound rushing. I did have a job, and was about to quit it right now after this phone call.

"Tomorrow morning would be perfect sir, we are closed so it will make things easier to register you up." He said " is that okay with You?"

Is that okay? Of course it is! I can't stand this boring life! The change I've been waiting for years has arrived! "Yes I will be there on time sir! Thank you alot!" We both said bye and right after that I called the boss of my old job to tell him I quit. I didn't like him, the proof? Right here. "ARE YOUR SERIOUS? I ASKED YOU A SIMPLE THING AND YOU CANT DO IT ANYMORE? WELL DONT COME BACK CRYING TO ME-" I hung up, he was gone from my life now.

Tomorrow is the big day...

falling for a spaghetti noodled bear (Still Writing It(on hold))Where stories live. Discover now