Chapter 2: The Dream

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"What the hell are we supposed to do?" Susan asked Becky for the tenth time.
"I don't know. I've never seen it snow this much in Texas, I've never seen it snow at all in Texas."
"That makes two of us." Susan chuckled. They couldn't leave, it was far too cold out there. For some reason. She thought. Becky decided to kill time by rummaging through things in the basement.
She found Christmas decorations, silverware, old movie disks. There was even a sewing machine down there.
Becky stood up and backed away from a box she was looking through. She backed up into something. When she turned around she saw Dallas's board.
It had pictures, drawings, dates, quotes. But in the center of the board, there was something circled and underlined three times it was important. What it read sent chills down her spine. The storm is alive. I am the storm.
"What the hell?" She said. She touched it, just for the heck of it. An arc of electricity sparked into her finger.
"Whoa..." She said. She tried to pull her finger away, but she couldn't. Her finger began to feel cold.
What was happening? She tugged and pulled, but her finger just wouldn't budge. "No, no, no..." Suddenly her finger began to frost over and freeze.
"No, stop!" She exclaimed. The frost began to expand over her hand and arm, arms of ice snatching onto parts of her body. Soon it covered her whole body, the cold taking over her entire body.
She fell to her knees, finger stuck to the arc of electric energy. I feel you. She heard. But she didn't really hear it, it was just a thought, a thought she didn't have.
She blacked out, the cold taking her mind over.

Becky stood in a large grass field. Stratus clouds blanketing the observable sky. She walked around a bit, exploring the unchanging world. A cold gust of wind blew past her, blowing her hair back.
She looked down at her hands. They were so pale, there was absolutely no color at all. Psst. The wind called. Follow meeeee. It trailed off to her left.
She turned and followed the never ending voices. Keep up. "I'm coming!" She called out. Watch out for him. It said. Who was 'him?'
She came to a cliff, at the bottom we're rocks in water sloshing onto the side of the rocky cliff. An endless abyss it seemed.
Jump in. It said. "Isn't that a little dangerous?" She asked. Not if you have faith. "Well, alright." She said. "One...two...three." Someone strong tackles her off the edge. Limbs tangled up in the air.
They fell for what seemed like hours. She was screaming. She looked at the attacker. His face, it was familiar. Someone she knew. They splashed into the ocean.
The water had no temperature. Yet it was freezing. She struggled to get to the surface, which was now non existent.
The world didn't even exist here. It was only water. Let it consume you. So she did. Becky just waited there. The sounds of the ocean peaceful.
It got harder to move. It got harder to think. That's when she woke up.

She was standing outside. It was no longer snowing. But the snow was still there. She went back inside. Susan was asleep on the couch, but so was Becky.
But Becky was standing at the front door. Same person, two places. Becky was also in the kitchen, making a sandwich. Becky was also in the bathroom, yanking her hair out. But she was also spazzing out on the floor, having a seizure.
She walked by the spazzing Becky, and stared at the sandwich Becky.
Becky stared back at Becky. A smile so wide that her mouth was bleeding, and her eyes were falling out, and her skin was decomposing, and her organs were falling onto the floor, exploding into a frenzy of buzzing flies. Where was she?
She went back outside, where everything wasn't strange. But now the snow was red, and it was warm. She could taste it, it was like metal, pennies. But there was none in her mouth. The snow was blood.
Faces formed in the blood snow, smiling at her. She smiled back and waved. "How friendly!" She said. She fell into the snow, laughing and giggling like a child. She began to chant her own name.
"Becky! Becky! Becky! Becky!"
And she woke up again.

Sweat trickled down her forehead. Her entire body drenched in it. Her legs were stinging a bit, and it smelled strange. She pissed herself.
"Oh come on!" She said. She got in the shower. But it was blood. She could taste it.

She woke up again. She was still drenched in sweat and her underwear and pj pants were still soaked in piss.
She got in the shower again. This time it was normal. Follow me, Becky. The thought said again, laughing. Hahahaha. She went back to sleep afterwards.

The snow was all gone, and Susan had made breakfast. But Dallas was sitting at the table. "Dallas?" Becky called.
"Becky?" He called back. His face lit up with joy. "Why are you here!" He said, suddenly concerned and disappointed.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Why are you dead?" Dallas asked.
What was this. "Wait, are you real?" She asked. "Yes, you don't see my entrails pouring out, do you?" He asked. Dallas had a point. Becky hugged him tight. It must really have been him.
She was stuck in the same paradox as him. But at what cost? "How did you get here, Becky?" He asked, the hug dying.
"Well, I touched your board, and-."
"You touched my board!" He shouted.
"Yeah, what's the deal?"
"Well, it's hard to explain." He said.
"it's okay. I figure it's the storm." She said.
"No." He said. "It's something worse. Something terrifying. Something made and dipped in pure evil. This is what nightmares come from."
"So, what exactly is it? Specify." She said.
"It's death incarnated."

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