Chapter 4: Leaving

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"We can't just stay here." Dallas said. "We have to leave."
"I don't know where we'd go, what with the snow and the roads freezing." Dallas looked at her with confusion.
"What snow?" He asked. "It's all out there, coming from the sky."
"No, no. Go look." Becky walked over to the living room window and looked out. It wasn't snowing but there was about five inches of snow. "Snow."
"But, it's flooding out there." Dallas said.
"No, no it's not." Becky said. "It's probably something the storm is doing to mess with our minds. See? We have to go."
"Yeah, but how?" She asked, glancing over to Susan. She wasn't doing anything weird. Oh, wait, yeah. She was pulling her tonsils out with her bare hands.
"Well, lets just go out and see." Becky said.

Becky wrapped her legs around in aluminum foil to keep her legs warm and so snow wouldn't get into her boots. She put two blankets around her shoulders and put on three extra shirts of Susan's. They were all blood soaked.
Dallas did the same boot thing, only he tucked some in his boots. He also put on a rain coat, and Uncle's cowboy hat.
They walked out. Dallas froze a bit. Becky assumed it was the water. "It's blood?" Dallas said. It was one of those questions you ask but you already know the answer.
"Not, for-." Becky said before she stepped into the white snow. When her foot sunk into it, blood bubbled up around her foot. It was kind of warm.
But the air was cold. Clouds covered the sky. There was no detail, it was like a perfect blue sky, just grey.
Every now and then, a ball of ice-hail-would fall from the sky, almost hitting her. She guessed it didn't matter for Dallas. When they did hit him, they just bounced off without him giving any attention.
The sky growled with anger, it could strike at any moment. The snow began to clear as they exited town. Only little spots of it were scattered around.
"We can walk into town and see what we do from there." Dallas said. "Yeah." She agreed. They walked down the cold, slippery ice covered road. But of course, Dallas didn't have trouble with it.
The two made it into the body-scattered town. Organs would be laying around, Becky even saw some eye balls on a side walk. They didn't see anyone alive. When they turned a corner, Dallas threw his hand up.
She stopped, assuming that's what he meant. "There's one of them." He said.
"Who?" Becky asked. "Hunters." He said, sending chills down the back of her spine. Hunters? Were there other people there?
"What are hunters?" She whispered softly. "Shhh." He shushed. She obeyed. He obviously knew more despite what he said earlier. He kept putting his head around the corner. "Take a look." He whispered.
They switched places. Becky crouched first, struggling with the foil. Five people were walking around. They were just walking, nothing else.
They had emotionless faces, just blank and boring. And then one turned. Her face looked at Becky's own. Then it's boring face turned into a freakish smile.
It wasn't big, but it was creepy as hell. "Oh no." Dallas said. The others turned and faced Becky too. But their smiles were bigger. So big, their mouths were ripping apart, blood trickling down their necks.
"Run, and don't listen to what they say!" Dallas said. The hunters sprinted. Becky and Dallas turned to run behind the building they were up against.
There was a back door and they went inside. They went up a flight of bloody, metal stairs. The door opened and shut below them. Come here! She heard.
Let me meet you! One shouted. Becky pressed her hands to her ears Listen to us! Dallas helped her inside. They pushed stuff against the door after locking it.
When they turned around to face the room, Something leapt at Dallas. It was black and slimy, spikes protruding from its back, very many fingers.
It had freakish eyes. It tackled Dallas to the floor, it's hands around his neck. "Help!" He shouted. Becky searched the room for something, anything.
She grabbed a chair and hit it against the thing. It didn't budge, but the chair broke. "M-metal!" He yelled. His skin started to crack like the dirt in a drought.
Becky rushed to the kitchen of the apartment and grabbed a sharp knife. She ran to the thing and plunged it into its back.
Two holes in its neck opened, steam blowing from it, hissing. A strange white substance oozed it's way from the wound. It fell onto the floor beside Dallas.
It's body began to melt into a black and white slime. When it's head was gone, a small snow globe sat there. Inside was her house, her new one.
There was snow on its roof, not the confetti, it was built in. "Not good." Dallas said.
"Why?" She asked. "They're watching us." He said. They? This place just got weirder and weirder. Dallas looked around.
He walked to the wall phone. "Yes!" He said. "Isn't the power out?" Becky asked. "No. This world has its ups and downs, although this is the evil of the world." He said.
Dallas put a number in and put the phone to his ear. Riiing, riiiing, riiing. It picked up. Becky? Is that you? She heard. Dallas looked over to her.
Where are you?
"Susan, it's me." Dallas said. Dallas? No. This isn't-this can't be Dallas. She said. "It's me, Susan." He said, his voice getting weak. But, you... "I know." He said. But then he collapsed. His eyes rolled into the back of his head.
"Damn-Damn thing poisoned me!" He screamed. Dallas? Then the line cut. Becky rushed to his side. "Dallas?" She said.
"Wait, wait. I'm, I'm going back!" He said. His eyes started bleeding. "Wait, don't leave me!" She said. "Don't leave me again!" Becky cried. "I'll see you there." Dallas said.
He rolled his head back. His skin burst into flames, his entire body soon a pile of ashes. Now she was there, all alone. Did he die? Like, for good?
Becky stood up. Now she needed to leave. Let us kill you! The hunters were back. Becky rushed to every room inside the apartment. She found them. Head phones.
She connected them to an MP3 player she also found. She turned it on, not caring what music played. She stuffed the mp3 in her pocket. Becky looked for weapons, also keeping the knife she used.
She found a pistol with some ammo. Becky tucked it in her waist band. What else could she possibly need?
Nothing. She was set. Susan seemed like a hunter, maybe she was watching her? Sending information to the storm? It was a lot but anything was possible here.
Becky opened a window in the master bedroom. She climbed out, ignoring the words of the hunters with the music. She climbed down slowly.
She touched ground. Becky decided to get a car. She tried to open one, locked. But the next one wasn't. Jackpot! The keys were in their slot. She turned on the engine.
She drove out of town and back to Susan's house. Becky walked inside. Susan was inside, standing up, and yanking her teeth out, one by one. Becky aimed the pistol at her face. Susan gave her a toothless smile.
She pulled the trigger. Susan's face caved in, and she squealed somehow. Susan rushed into the kitchen and came out with a knife.
It was the scariest shit Becky had ever seen. She kept shooting, and Susan tackled her to the ground with an impossible strength that knocked the air from her lungs.
Susan plunged the knife into Becky's heart. She then ripped her heart out and started drinking the blood from it. Susan bit into it, blood squirting out.
Becky was screaming in horror. Susan began to stab her over and over again. Neck, chest, stomach, legs. Becky let go of life and fell into the abyss.

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