Chapter 10

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The Rescue Team And Hiro: Captain Cutie!
Captain Cutie: Guys, We Need To Leave Now, Before The People Arrive To Fix The Lasers!
Hiro: Wait a Minute, You Did It, You Broke The Laser So That We Can Escape Without The Alarms Going Off, Nice Going Captain Cutie *Smiles*
Captain Cutie: No Time For Thanking Me And You're Welcome But We Have To Go Before ---
*Captain Cutie, Woody, Buzz, Belt Buzz, Hamm, Cara, Lucy, Megan, Hilda, Red Panda, Speed Queen, Chop Chop, Flame Jumper, Tall Girl, Belle, Beast, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, The Admin, Kali, Rex, Mr Potatohead, Slinky Dog, Jilly, Bianca, King, Queen, Amy (Horse), Prince of Smartfulville, The Maid, The Chef, The Butler, The Guards, Sammy, Prince of Smartassville, Hiro And The Princess of Smartfulville Look And Saw Lord Evilman Closing And Locking The Heroes In The Expensive High Security Apartment Floor By Locking Up The Vents*
Bianca: Lord Evilman?
Hiro: You're Out Of You're Box Again
*Lord Evilman Finished Up Locking The Heroes' Only Exit*
Lord Evilman: I tried reasoning with you, Hiro, but you keep forcing me to take extreme measures to keep you guys safe from danger. *Turns Off The TV Right When Lucy's Commercial Started To Play*
Hiro: Wait a minute. You turned on the TV last night when i almost escaped, not Bianca
Lord Evilman: Look this is for everyone's safety so let's not point out fingers, shall we?
Hiro: You really are a Lordness of Evil Man!, aren't you?
Bianca: Lord Evilman, this isn't fair.
Lord Evilman: "Fair"? I'll tell you what's not fair: Spending a Life on a Shelf And on a Storage Waiting For Princess Lessie To Show Up. Well, finally my waiting has paid off when Hiro showed up, and no hand-me-down cos-player boy is gonna mess it up for me now! Nobody's Escaping This Apartment! *Throws His Box In His Foam package*
Hiro: Tell Me If There's Someone On The Other Side?
Red Panda: We Don't.
Captain Cutie: *Pulling On The Vents Furiously* Lisa, Help, Dustin! Guys!
Lord Evilman: It's too late, Jeff Cutie. Those silly toys you met can't help you now.
Captain Cutie: They're Names Are Lisa, Dustin, May, Alice, Bob, David, Skipper, Alex And Susan!
Lord Evilman: Whatever. I've always hated those upstart space toys and Woody's Roundup Toys.
Captain Cutie: They're Not Space Toys! Nor Are They One Of The Woody's Roundup Collection!
*Captain Cutie's New Friends Arrived Just In Time After Hearing Captain Cutie's Cry For Help*
*Hiro Tried To Unlock It But It Was Too Tight*
Hiro: It's stuck! What do we do?
Rex: Should I use my head?
*Hiro And The Others Hear Sarah And Abigail Coming*
Hiro: It's Sarah And Abigail!
Bianca And The Rest Of Princess Lessie and the Magical Quests Gang: *Gasps, Goes Back Into Their Packages*
*Hiro Went Limb Again*
*The Rescue Team And Belt Buzz Went Into Hiding Because Of Lord Evilman Locking Them Out*
Sarah: Look at the time. We're gonna be late, Abigail! Oh, figures. We can't miss this flight, Sweetie! We've gotta pack. All right. Let's see. Uh, wallet, keys, tickets, uh, passports, beef jerky-- very expensive over there. Shower! *Sniffs Herself* Oh, we can skip the shower. We just gotta get outta here now!
*The Rescue Team And Belt Buzz Sneakingly Snuck Inside The Briefcase That Hiro And The Others Are In*
*Belt Buzz Kept On Staring At Abigail Though*
Belt Buzz: She's not her assistant, she's her daughter, Abigail is Sarah's daughter.
Woody: Yeah, shocking to us huh?
*Sarah And Abigail Left With Robert And The Briefcase*
Lisa: Quick! To the elevator!
*The New Rescue Team Races Towards The Elevator*
*Sarah Had Gotten To The Elevator Shaft With Her Kids*
Lisa: Hurry. I can hear it coming.
*As The New Rescue Team Made It, They Gasps, Emperor Zurg Was Right There*
Emperor Zurg: So, we meet again, Buzz Lightyear-- Wait Where is He? Oh Well, You'll Be Better Then Him.
Dustin And May: Aah! It's Zurg!
*Zurg Raises His Ion Blaster*
May: Watch out! He's got an ion blaster!
*Zurg Blasts His Ion Blaster Balls*
*Sarah Got In With Her Kids*
*The Elevator Is Coming Down*
Lisa: Quick! Get on!
*The New Rescue Team Gets On, While Dustin Tries To Stop Zurg, Although Dustin Knows That He's Just a Toy, He Needed To Make Sure That His New Friends Are Safe And Sound*
*Lisa And The New Rescue Team Goes To The Top Of The Opening Shaft*
Lisa: The emergency hatch! Come on!
*Dustin Was Distracting Zurg, However Zurg Was Smart Enough To Sneakingly Goes Behind Dustin*
Dustin: Huh? Where'd He Go?
*Zurg Went To Choking Dustin*
Dustin: Oh, Clever Emperor.
Lisa: Come on! Hurry!
May: Ah! But Dustin is in peril!
*Zurg Was Smashing Dustin A Lot, Causing His Voice Box To Repeatedly Say His Catchphrases*
Dustin's Voice Box: Dust, Dust, Dust, Dustin to the rescue!
*Zurg Tossed Dustin Near The Edge*
Emperor Zurg: Surrender, Dustin Dusterman. I have won.
Dustin: I'll never give in. You killed Buzz's Father.
Emperor Zurg: No, Dustin. I am Buzz's father.
Dustin: Nooo!
*Lisa Opens The Emergency Hatch, Susan Went In And Opens Up The Briefcase*
Sarah: *Sighs Impatiently* Come on! Come on! Come on!
*May Whimpers And Goes Over To Dustin And Emperor Zurg*
May: Dustin, you could have defeated Zurg all along and be a better Buzz Lightyear! You just need to believe in yourself! *Screams*
Emperor Zurg: Prepare to die, Dustin!
May: *Whimpers* *Turns Around* I can't look!
*May Push Zurg To The Edge, Due To May Being a Human/Monster Hydride Toy, She Has a Big Tail*
Emperor Zurg: Wh-Wh-Whoa! *Falls*
May: We did it. We finally defeated Zurg!
Dustin: Yes, We Did Oh Mother Will Be So Proud of Me
*Susan Gotten Hilda, Megan, Rex, Slinky, Hamm, Cara, Mr Potatohead, Lucy, Buzz And Woody Out But Unfortunately The Elevator Made It To Floor 1*
Sarah: Ah, finally!
*Before Susan Can Help Hiro Up, Lord Evilman Grabbed Hiro And The Briefcase Closes Up*
*The New Rescue Team And Half of The Old Rescue Team Fell Off*
*Mr Potatohead Uses His Hat To Stop The Door Halfway*
*But Unfortunately Sarah Drove Off*
Rex: How are we gonna get her now?
Mr Potatohead: Pizza, anyone?
*The Pizza Planet Truck Was There*
*Hamm And Cara Laugh In Victory*
Lucy And Lisa: Go, go, go!
Emperor Zurg: Wait For Me! I Wanna Become Abigail's Toy Too
Lucy: You're Welcome Aboard, Zurg!
*The Rescue Teams Went In*
Woody: Does anyone know how to drive?
Lucy: Slink, Susan, take the pedals. Rex, May, you navigate. Cara, Hamm and Alice, operate the levers and knobs.
*Lisa Turned The Keys, The Car Started*
*Air Blew At Slinky's Face*
Slinky: Whoa.
Little Green Men: Ohh. Strangers. From the outside.
Woody And Buzz: Oh, no.

Chapter 10 Ended.

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