6. Hyung, it hurts

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"No....." Jungkook whimpered. "Oh my god, no no no" he started thrashing around on his bed. "Please, hyung! Tell me this isn't mom" he started sobbing in his sleep.

Seokjin knew this night was going to be long, which was why he kept himself awake. Due to a few traumatic incidents that took place in Jungkook's life, he was terrified of the rain. Thus, every single time it rained, he worked himself into a nightmare and triggered his asthma eventually.

And Jungkook, being the stubborn man that he was, never let Seokjin into his room unless he was having a nightmare and couldn't help himself. So Seokjin simply had to wait until he heard the whimpers to get into the room and comfort him.

He hurried into Jungkook's room and opened the drawer and got his inhaler out, knowing what was going to follow after the latter woke up. He climbed onto the bed and began shaking his cousin. He could already see that Jungkook's breath was hitching up. 

"Jungkook-ah, wake up. Wake up, Kook! It's just a dream" he said, shaking him to wake him up. "Please!! I can't take it anymore! Make it stoppp" Jungkook held his hand tighter and cried.

Seokjin felt himself tear up, but he knew he had to stay stronger for the sake of the younger. "Come on, Kookie-ah, please wake up! I'm here! Please just wake up, this isn't real" he started shaking him. 

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, why.......NO......" he started thrashing around and almost hit Seokjin. "JUNGKOOK, wake up!! Please!" he pleaded, slightly slapping his face.

Jungkook's eyes flew open. He stared at Seokjin for a couple of seconds before bursting into tears. His chest was heaving, but he didn't care about that. He was too busy trying to stop himself from sobbing to care about his breath. 

Seokjin hugged him and started to comfort him by rubbing circles on his back and whispering "It's okay, it's over now" into his ear. 

The fact that he could hear the pitter-patter of rain on his window didn't help at all. He was still sobbing when he started gasping for air. Seokjin immediately placed the inhaler into the younger's hand.

"Come here, Kookie" Seokjin said once Jungkook's breath became normal. Jungkook almost jumped at him and buried his face into his chest. Seokjin lay down with him and cuddled him, while Jungkook nuzzled into him. 

"It hurts, hyung" he cried. Seokjin froze. It had been a while since he called him 'hyung'. He gently patted Jungkook. 

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts soo much, hyung! Why did they do that? Why did they have to leave me like that? Why does everyone around me leave me like that? The world is soo cruel, hyung. No one stays.....and it hurts....." he sobbed. 

Seokjin felt himself crying. He knew why the younger was so distraught.

"Jungkook-ah, Bad times come and go. They don't stay. I know those days were horrible, and it is impossible to forget what happened. But I want you to move on, Kook. You can't keep building walls around yourself because of what happened in the past. Please promise me you will try to get down the walls you built around yourself. I know it is hard, but I really want you to try, kid"

"But it hurts, hyung"

"I know, Kookie. But try! Please!"

"I will" Jungkook sniffled. 

"Hyung, it's still raining" he started sobbing again.

"Shh, shh, Jungkook, it's okay. You are inside the house. Nothing will happen. Don't worry. Don't think about it. Wait, I will get your headphones" Seokjin said and got out of the bed and brought Jungkook's headphones. 

He put them on for him and played a few soothing and calm songs. Jungkook nuzzled himself into Seokjin deeper and soon fell asleep.

Seokjin slowly removed the headphones and placed them on the table beside the bed. He gently placed a kiss on Jungkook's forehead. "Good night, love" he whispered. 

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