43. The call

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Seokjin and Namjoon were taking a cab back home when Namjoon received a call from Ju. 

"Hey, Ju!"
"Hey, Joon!"
"Nothing much" she sighed. 'Something's wrong, maybe' Namjoon thought.

"Ohh. Why didn't you come for the wedding?"
"I'll tell you. But first tell me, how did it go?"
"It was all fine. Everything went well. Yoongi cried by th-"
"I know, right?! I was crying and hugging him, and he also cried"
"Wah! And then?"
"And then I proposed to Jin. He accepted it. We are fiancés now"
"Wait......give me some time......sigh.......yeah, I digested it......."
"You are funny, Ju" Namjoon chuckled.
"CONGRATULATIONS!!" she screamed, her voice loud enough for Seokjin to be able to hear it.

Seokjin yanked the phone from Namjoon and spoke to her.
"Thank you so much, Ju"
"I am really very very happy for you guys! I can't believe Sihyuk's baby grew big enough to get married soon" she sniffled. 

"Aigoo...Ju......wait a second" Seokjin said and gave the phone back to Namjoon.
"Yo, Ju" Namjoon said, but heard sniffles the other side.
"Are you crying, Ju? Why are you crying?!" Namjoon asked, bewildered. He first thought they were happy tears, but soon, those sniffles turned into sobs.

"Ju?......Is something wrong?.....Ju!! You are scaring me!" Namjoon cried out loud as her sobs grew louder. "T-The reason why I d-din't come........t-the doctors called m-me........I-I was in the m-meeting.......that's w-why I couldn't come......." she cried. "It's okay. No one is mad at you. You were busy, we get it. You can visit them later, they won't mind" Namjoon said, an uneasy feeling settling deep into the pit of his stomach. 

Something wasn't right about the way Ju was sobbing. 

"T-That's not it....T-The doctors....sniff....." she took a deep breath to calm herself down before she continued. 

"I told you that they were going to try the surgery on another guy with similar problem before doing it on Tae, right? We were soo sure that we were right.....that it was going to work......but it didn't. 

They cancelled Tae's surgery. They postponed it until further notice. They are gonna work on it again. I really don't wanna disappoint Tae, but we have no option but to tell him" she continued sobbing.

Namjoon felt his heart break into pieces as tears rolled down his eyes. Seokjin looked at him, concern evident in his eyes, as he scooted closer to his fiance and tried soothing him down. 

"Y-You mean, it is not gonna be done next month?"
"Okay....I need some time....I will call you back later, Ju. Bye" he hung up without waiting for her reply.

He turned towards Seokjin and buried his face into his shoulder and started sobbing silently. Seokjin figured out what the call was about when Namjoon asked 'You mean it's not gonna be done next month?'. 

He felt very bad for Taehyung. He knew that Namjoon felt horrible. He also knew that Namjoon wasn't being selfish. That he was crying for his brother and not because he was worried about taking care of him for a few more months, or maybe years.

"Let's go home" he said, pulling Namjoon out of the cab and paying the driver before walking upstairs. Namjoon wiped his face clean and went to Seokjin's flat straight. "I am not gonna tell him now. I can't see him depressed. I am not ready for that" Namjoon said. 

"Take your time. But tell him soon. We only have two and a half weeks left for it. Do it before he gets his hopes up too high" Seokjin said. "Yeah, but I can't do it now. I will do it soon, though" Namjoon said, going in to wash his face. 

"Don't tell him or Jungkook, please" he shouted from the room. "Okay" Seokjin shouted back.

"You guys came back?" Jungkook asked as he pulled Taehyung with him into Seokjin's living room. "Yup" Seokjin said. "Guess who's engaged?" he asked. "Jimin's dog!" Jungkook exclaimed while Taehyung gasped. 

"Hyung!!" Taehyung yelled. "Yasss" Namjoon yelled as he came back and pulled Taehyung with him and sat him on his lap. 

"Jinnie! Poor boy, don't smack him too hard!!" Namjoon said as Seokjin came back from his room, with his cricket bat, to hit his cousin. 

"Jungkookie, I am not gonna leave you alone. You just wait, I am gonna put wasabi into your sandwich and shove it into your mouth, you won't even realize it until it's too late" Seokjin said as he threw the bat behind the couch and settled on the couch beside Namjoon. 

"You wouldn't do that!!" Jungkook said, horrified at the thought of eating wasabi-sandwiches. "You are not the only one who can prank, baby!" Seokjin sassed and closed his eyes and sighed.

"I proposed to him. He accepted" Namjoon said, leaving Jungkook to stare at him as if he suddenly grew butts above his face. 

"You! Him! Engaged!" Jungkook exclaimed, still looking at him as if he was an alien that had butts above its head. 

"Yeah!! What's so hard to believe about that, you goose??" Seokjin asked. 

Jungkook shook his head. "Never mind. Congratulations, I guess. I am happy for you two" he said, grinning widely. "Tae, let's go" he said, pulling Taehyung from Namjoon's lap and walking into Taehyung's flat.

"You know what? I am gonna take you to my parlour some day. I want you to be with me in there" Jungkook said as they settled on the bed, getting ready to knock out. "Sure! I would love to come" Taehyung said and soon, the room was filled with soft snores. 

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