Chapter 2

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*Marcel POV*

Niall had been talking to me the whole time during english class, which had gotten us a few pissed looks from the teacher but it was worth it. He is really nice and even though ive only known him for a few hours I feel like i've known him all my life. 

Right now, me and Niall are walking to the cafeteria to get some lunch. It feels really wierd to not be alone at school, but it's a good kind of wierd. Just as I was laughing at one of Niall's really bad jokes I felt something hard hit my chest and suddenly I was laying on the floor.

"Watch where you're going fag!" I heard someone yell, but he ran away before I could se who it was. Niall hurried to my side to help me up. " Are you okay?" he asked, I just nodded and we continued to the cafeteria in silence.

"Why did he call you fag by the way?", Niall looked at me curiously. Oh no! This was it, now he'll hate me forever. At least it was fun while it lasted. "I'm gay" I said, so quietly that I'm surprised he even heard it. What he said next surprised me even more. "Okay" he just answered, not "That's gross!" or "Don't ever talk to me again", just "Okay".  "You don't think it's gross?" I asked him carefully, he shook his head "No, I'm bi so that would just kind of backfire at me wouldn't it?" he laughed.

My next class was maths, both Niall and Louis is in that class with me. It turns out Niall has pretty much the same schedule as me, and I'm really happy about that.  

Math is so boring! I know that you would think a nerd like me loves school but I actually hate most subjects, I just happen to be good at them. A little more than half the class had passed when my phone vibrated in my pocket

From: Louis <3

Hello Haz! I have a really boring maths class, please entertain me?

xoxo Louis

He was definetly cockier in texts than he was in person, I smiled slightly at the phone, he called me "Haz" and he wrote "xoxo". I know it's just something that people write but it still made me happy. I glanced over to where the sat, and he was sitting and looking expectantly at his phone.

To: Louis <3

Hi Lou! Okay, do you want to hear a joke? x)

xoxo Haz ;)

From: Louis <3

Yeah, sure! :)

To: Louis <3

Why did Cinderella get kicked of the soccer team?

From: Louis <3

I don't know, why did she?

To: Louis <3

Because she kept running from the ball x)

From: Louis <3

That's probably the worst joke I've ever heard xD I have to go now, my class is almost over.

Bye Haz! 

To: Louis <3 

Bye Lou!

Just as I sent that I heard the bell ring, meaning that class was over, thank god! Me and Niall walked out of class and headed to the next class which is my favorite subject, music with Mr Malik. He is the youngest teacher at school, this is his first year teaching but he is very talanted. He is definetly my favorite teacher. 

As usual there was a group of teenage girls swooning over Mr Malik. I walked over to my usual seat and sat down and Niall sat down beside me. I looked over at Niall and saw him watching Mr Malik with wide eyes and a little bit of drool running from his bottom lip.

I elbowed him lightly in his side, "Stop straring at our teacher like he is a piece of meat" I whispered to him. He snapped out of his trance and hit me jokingly on my shoulder.

"Okay class, be quiet please! Remember that this is the last chance to practice before you're going to perform with your assignment next lesson, so use your time wisely"  

I looked over at Niall and saw that he looked a little bit worried, "You can work with me, I don't have a partner. We basically just have to sing a song we like or write our own for extra credit" I whispered to Niall. "I can't really sing, but I can play a little guitar" Niall whispered back

We spent rest of the class practising. It turned out Niall was talking bullshit when he said he can't sing, he sings amazing! We decided to sing a mashup of a song called Amnesia with a band that we both liked, called 5 Seconds of Summer and a song that we wrote ourselves that we called Half a Heart (A/N Seriously, LISTEN TO THIS MASHUP! It's amazing, You can find it on the side of the chapter. It does not belong to me, all credit to whoever made it) 

"Are you busy today or would you like to come to my place to practise a bit more?" Niall asked, we were walking out to the parking lot since music was our last class. Wow, this is the first time anyone at school have wanted to hang out with me voluntarily. "I'm sorry, I can't, I have to work. Bye!" I answered and got in my car before he could ask me where I work, Im not in the mood to lie to him. 

Once I was home I did my usual routine. I washed the gel out of my hair and changed to "cooler" clothes, a pair of blue skinny jeans and a shirt with short sleeves. Then I headed out to my car and drove to the tattoo studio. 

Hi! I think this will be a short story since I don't have the patience, time or imagination to write a story that is like 30 chapters long x) I was not planning on continuing this story but thanks to @jessesm I did.  I don't know how often I will update but I will try my best. I hope you liked this chapter!

I'm planning on having another ship in this story (Only on the side) but I can't make up my mind. So would you like Niam or...  Teacher/Student Ziall?

I'm leaning towards Ziall xD I would really appreciate if everyone who reads this tells me what ship they would like in the comments! 


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