Fully Booked (II)

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I what?!

I knew that my mouth must be gaping like a fish's at the moment. Just then, our new waiter comes over. Less attractive, but hopefully less douche-y.

"Good evening, ladies. My name is Liam, and I'll be your new waiter. I heard about what Jeremy did, and I'd like to apologize for my colleague's actions. And, to be honest, none of us like him either!" We all laugh at that, and Wilhemina speaks up.

"No need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong."

"That's great to hear, ma'am. I'll take your drink order if the two of you are ready," he says, turning to Wilhemina first.

"I will have a martini, extra dry, and she'll have a strawberry daiquiri. Sweet as can be, just like her," she adds with a wink in my direction.

"I'll be right back with those!"

I don't even know where to start with that one. Well, there goes my budget meal. That drink in itself is probably like $16. I truly did want to stay sober though. Embarrassing myself in front of Wilhemina would be absolutely mortifying. Also, she ordered for me! Some may find that controlling, but I think it's a huge turn-on. She ordered my favorite, so that's a bonus I guess.

The bigger issue is definitely what Wilhemina said earlier. Could she really be into me at all?

Liam comes back with the drinks. Thank god that was fast; I haven't had a chance to humiliate myself! I must have been staring into space for quite a while.

"Can we place our orders, please?"

"Of course. What would you like?," he asks, pulling out his notepad and a pen.

"I'll start with the lobster bisque, and have the filet mignon for my main, medium well please."

I'm about to order my salad when Wilhemina continues.

"My date here will have..."

I didn't even hear the rest of what she said; I'm just too excited over what she started to say. Although, my sense of reality is not totally gone.

"Wilhemina, I'm really sorry that I just zoned out. But James, I'll be fine with just your house salad, please. With whatever vinaigrette you have, preferably balsamic."

Wilhemina jumps in again.

"Y/N, don't be ridiculous. I just ordered you the best thing on the menu. You deserve it."

"Well, thank you, but I really shouldn't. I hate to admit this, but you know what I'm paid, and I truly can't afford whatever it is that you just ordered for me."

"Relax, darling. Don't you worry your pretty little head about that. I'm paying."

I glance over to James and he seems to be amused by this whole encounter.

"James, would you mind giving us a minute? We'll be sorted in a few."

"No. James, please put that in. I'm paying so I'll be tipping. Just keep that in mind."

He scurries away without another word.

"Ms. Venable, I can't possibly let you do this for me."

"I've told you that it's Wilhemina. Anyway, Y/N, you are an excellent assistant. Everything you do is way above your pay grade, including coming here with me. So consider this your long-overdue bonus. And if you still don't feel that's enough, you can pay me back later."

"Ms... Wilhemina, that's just it. I can't pay you back later."

"Oh, sweetheart, how innocent. That is most definitely not what I meant. But only if you're interested of course. Regardless, what is with all of these heart decorations everywhere?," she inquires, pointing at the little pink centerpiece. I let out a little giggle. With how busy she is, today's date must have slipped her mind.

Our Supreme, Sarah Catherine PaulsonWhere stories live. Discover now