She was perfect tall dark long-haired beautiful women. one day she is getting married at her mansion with the man she'd loved. but on the day her wedding there was a fire in the basement where she was getting ready for her wedding. she slowly becoming engulfed in the flames and she has lost the key for the basement door. As she was burning alive she heard a spirit saying do you want to take my place. the girl was amazed by the beautiful ghost like creature the spirit was the first ghost before the update in the game. the girl screamed who are you in fear and pain I'm the first resident of this mansion. I will put the fire out before it spreads too the next floor. and I will spare you but In return you will take my place as a new resident then I can go to the afterlife agree? "YES! JUST GET ME OUT! She screamed as her body was falling apart. The ghost suddenly agreed as the girl felt if she was in a deep sleep.was she dying? She slowly awoke up her new burnt-up basement the door was open She looked around where was her body? All she saw is her intestines below her. And She was floating she slowly moved toward the mirror and she was in shock. Her lower body was gone her face was burnt to a pasty white colour with a larger wider mouth. Her beautiful eyes turned red as blood her husband will be here soon.I hope he will still marry me?"he loves me of course.she floated around the halls,waiting for him. But he never arrived. He is fell in love with another girl and she constantly looks day and night for him. So when she hears someone in the house, she runs to see if it's her husband. But she always finds thieves So she kills you! And Nowadays she still searches for her husband in the house.
The story of Eyes the horror game
HorrorThis is the true story of Eyes the horror game :)