Day 9

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Day 9, 5:20:47 AM, Monday

For some reason, my body refused to sleep. I was up all night, staring at the darkness of my room. I stared at the window and thought to myself, "If I jump from this height, would I die? If I push Lisa from here, would she die?"

I stood up and went to the window, the sun must have been beginning to rise base on the colors of the sky and the warm, gentle light that was filling the streets.

I looked out of this window before but I never noticed the surroundings. It was a very nice subdivision. The house beside us must be where the staff was since it's the only building other than us which had lights on. Or maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me. Either way, I never saw anyone passing by the streets.

Maybe if we completed more challenges then I could have observed where the rewards came from. That was when I remembered that it was the ninth day.

"We have a challenge today. Lisa should be waking up anytime soon to cook breakfast and...I stopped. Without realizing it, I was thinking of her again. It was the biggest joke of my entire life. Falling in love with the person that your past relationship cheated on you with.

"In her defense, she's almost impossible not to fall in love with. So I can't blame myself or my ex.", I thought subconsciously.

I hated that thought but it was true. And I could write this now because I've moved on but back then, inside that house, I blamed Lisa for everything.

She was too kind.

She was too beautiful.

She cooked like an angel.

She preferred to be the one in pain than to cause pain for others.

She was flawed to the extent that you couldn't help but care for her.

Yet she was strong enough to take care of herself and the people that mattered to her.

She was simply impossible not to fall in love with.

And because of all that, I hated her. Sadness was tiring but anger was different. It consumed my energy but I didn't feel tired at all. I wasn't sleepy. I wasn't hungry. All I was, was angry... mad... furious.

I heard a door open and I knew that it was Lisa who just woke up. I looked at my door and waited. And I was right. Slowly, my doorknob began to turn but it stopped halfway, not because of the lock but because Lisa stopped turning it.

And then there was a folded piece of magazine that slipped under my door. I approached it and took it. As I did, I heard Lisa walking down stairs.

I went to the bathroom and threw the folded magazine on the bowl.


"Nice. That was satisfying.", I thought with a smile. I considered brushing my teeth while I'm here but I didn't really need to. I wasn't gonna talk to anyone anyway. And as I breathed out a sigh of relief, I made my way back to my bed, lied down again and finally fell asleep.

Day 9, 3:41:52 PM, Monday

I opened my eyes and it was very cold. I slept on top of the covers with the aircon on 18 and high. I immediately went under the blankets and felt my stomach aching. It wanted and needed to digest something again. I looked at my door and the chains that I placed on it.

I was sure that Lisa noticed that the chains she removed from the rooftop access were gone. She didn't have to be a genius to figure out that I used it to lock my door. I walked to the bookshelves and took one of the chips that Lisa gave me. I was neither too stupid nor too proud to starve myself.

I didn't bother with my lapel mic since I had no intentions of talking to anything at all for the remaining two days.

"You guys want good content? Well fuck you and your show.", I thought as I showed a fake smile to the cameras.

 Mr. Jib was probably dead and I didn't care. He was still facing the wall, I left him at. My markers must have rolled under the cabinets and I didn't care. And my whiteboard, I must have stepped on it last night, because it had a crack in the middle. And I didn't care.

I ate my chips as I lied down underneath the blanket of my very cold room. I wanted to try my best to not let the cameras hear me or see me for the remainder of my stay in this hellhole.

Day 9, 8:24:52 PM, Monday

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Lisa was done eating dinner. I waited for the sound of her door to open and to close. Not because I was interested but because I had nothing else to do. After she closed her door, she walked back down the stairs again.

Whatever. I just tried to sleep some more. I had less than 30 hours left and then I could go home.

Day 9, 10:49:31 PM, Monday

My stomach was aching so bad. It was a combination of not eating anything except for chips and drinking the water from the faucet. I remembered that there was a medicine cabinet at the washroom under the stairs so I decided to go down.

As silently as I could, I removed the lock and the chain on my door using the key I had in my pocket. I walked down the stairs without making any sound as I entered the washroom. There was something written on the mirror using lipstick.

"The last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt you. Sorry Jennie. I'm really sorry.", Lisa's note said.

I went to the kitchen to get some clean drinking water. I opened the refrigerator and saw that there was a lot of cooked food in there. Leftovers. It was the breakfast and dinner that Lisa cooked for me.

I looked at the locked containers and thought of what I should eat. I kept thinking, what would make me happy.

"Not this. Not her cooking.", I thought to myself. "Liquid diet it is."

I got a pitcher of water and went back to my room. I locked my door, drank my medicine and went back to bed.

I was sure by this point that this show would never air. They would have to reshoot everything with a different pair. It's their fault for putting the two of us together. They would have been stupid not to realize that we were connected.

Any sane person would know how I would react once the truth got out. So they can't blame me for acting like this. I obeyed all the rules, so even if they can't air this, they will still be forced to give me my money.

"Right? I sure hope I get my money". I kept thinking back then.

"I hope this show bombs... Sorry Miss Kim but I really hope this show fails."

That was my last thought before I fell asleep.

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