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Location: Katem City

Cool air brushed passed the girl's face. Darkness had now encased the Western forest in mystery, the wolves were out. She was watching the home of Grandmother Rudina, their protector from the others within the city. Her grandson Hugeo had just turned out his light, it would take little time before he was asleep. Gardran sprinted towards her, his breath forming clouds.

"Shall I inform the alpha?" he asked. The girl stepped out of the brush in a crouched position. Her hair was wild, her eyes fierce.

"Not now Gardran. We have only two days before the new moon, we can wait. You know there are many pups to be wrought from here."

"Including your sister," Gardran responded.

"Yes, she will be a part of us too now hm?" a crackling noise shot through the night, the two wolves scurried into the brush. "I do not smell anything," the girl informed. Gardran growled.

"It's the Asundra's. Move back." They moved through the forest's shadow, heading for the burrows. The wolves could be heard crashing behind them, strange sand encircling the girl and her partner. The girl shifted into another form, a dark brown wolf that could be mistaken for an alpha. They picked up the pace, outrunning their pursuers. The sand retreated and the brown wolf disappeared into a burrow. 

Underneath there was darkness. A howl sounded through the tunnels, the girl still sprinted to her destination, bypassing her pack to arrive in a cavernous room. The alpha Brownwood stood erect in the center. "You were chased?" He sniffed her fur, catching hints of the forest. "The Asundra. Hungry for new pups are they?" 

"Yes Gardran and I were watching over the boy when they ambushed us," the girl wolf answered trying to recover her breath. 

"It is like this every Inauguration. Every pack becomes needy for the newlings. We are lucky the Law has held for so long." 

"It is the Law, what is to be expected?" 

"Dzsenifer, go out there with two of the pack and converse with them, I will be out there soon," Brownwood turned. 

"Yes Alpha," Dzsenifer answered, going back out into the burrows tunnels. More than two wolves joined her, the earth shaking under their paws. The night air welcomed them above, but the Asundra had disappeared from sight. Gardran reared up behind the group, his nose to the sky. 

"Speak wolves," he ordered. Three tan wolves stepped out, it seemed that their fur was moving on its own when if you looked closer it was the sand. 

"You have come far, let it not be for war," Dzsenifer began. 

"Forgive us for intruding," their leader responded, laughter in his tone. "We have simply come to lay eyes upon the newlings, those you so graciously keep to yourselves." 

"You know we cannot stake claim over future pups. It is against our Law." 

"I hope that is so. The Law is not gentle on those who break it," fire danced in the leader's eyes. 

"You know we of the Zetu pack have never broken the Law, but I do believe there is record of yours doing so, is that not correct?" 

"You speak of old times," the leader stepped towards her. Brownwood leaped over their heads, coming nose to nose with the intruder. 

"You're in my territory. Get to your own land before we chase you there." He growled over his words, the earth quaking as he said them. The Asundrian's sand expanded, creating new shadow like wolves. Their leader stared Brownwood down, then his fire died. 

"Until next time," he turned, the sand wolves falling to the ground and returning to the Asundrians. They left swiftly, revealing their unfamiliarity with the forest's brush. Dzsenifer exhaled. Their accompanying pack rebounded into the burrows, ready for sleep. Brownwood relaxed his body. 

"I am going to check on Chesha. Watch over the pack," he quietly submersed himself into the trees. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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