October 17th, 2014

955 29 3

"Fitzy, that is just unbelievably gross." Lauren said as Tim Fitzgerald sat in front of her at one of the tables at the dining hall, a tray of food in each hand. He looked up at her with a slightly hurt expression on his face. Tim, Lauren and Camila had become fast and inseparable friends almost as soon as the first week of school was over. Tim had subverted both of the girl's concepts of college athletes. He didn't seem to have a serious bone in his body and seemed up for all manner of elaborate ruses and jokes, something that made him a natural match for Lauren but he was well-read and innocent and unconditionally accepting of seemingly everyone and everything, which had endeared him to Camila. He did, however, have a palette that made eating with him hard to take at times.

"What's wrong? I'm a big guy, I have to eat a lot of food to keep weight." Fitz asked as he picked up one of the three sandwiches on his plate and took a bite.

"And does that food have to be what looks like a peanut butter, jelly and tuna fish sandwich?" Lauren practically gagged as she saw bits drip from the back of his sandwich onto his plate. Fitz thought about her question for a second before answering.

"Well no, it doesn't have to be obviously." He answered seriously "But they are freaking awesome. I'm thinking of a name for it, either Mudfish Surprise or Sloppy Cod's."

"You need help, Fitz."

Tim shook his head and rolled his eyes as he continued eating the bizarre amalgamations on his plate. Lauren went back to idly picking at her own plate, leafing through some History reading she needed to catch up on. Their relative tranquility was ruined, though, by Camila's crashing backpack landing on the table beside them.

"What's up bitches?" Camila exclaimed as she sat down hard beside Lauren, an enormous grin on her glowing face and she grabbed a fry from her roommate's dish and popped it in her mouth.

"Doc Gonzo, how goes it?" Tim asked with his mouthful, the nickname a reference to the book that the Basketball star and the pre-med student had first bonded over.

"It could not possibly be better, Mr. Duke." Camila cheerfully responded, getting her hand slapped as she reached for another of Lauren's fries "What's her problem?"

"Got me. She was giving me crap about the sandwich too."

"Thought of a name yet?" Camila had been there when Tim had first thought to try it.

"Sloppy Cod is the frontrunner, apparently" Lauren chimed in, still sounding annoyed.

"Hmmmm," Camila thought for a second "What about the Loch Nesswich?"

Tim's eyes lit up

"That's perfect!"

"You're welcome." Camila said, enthusiastically "And to repay me you'll never, ever let it get near me."

"So why are you so cheery?" Lauren asked her roommate, briefly looking up from her book. Camila squealed a little bit at the question.

"Abby's parents were out of town, mine were busy working...." She trailed off for a second "What exactly do you suppose is the world record for orgasms in a weekend?"

Lauren frowned. Her own frustration from the night before came rushing up at her all at once.

"I think I got 12 once." Tim said thoughtfully after a second "Of course, historians will note that was the very first weekend after the Republic of Tim was brought into the Masturbation age."

"And we're done eating." Lauren said with a shake of her head without looking up from her book, pushing her fries towards a receptive Camila who grabbed another and bit off an end.

"God, it was just...I mean...." Camila's eyes seemed to be lost in her memories of the weekend "My legs are still wobbly."

"Squats. Should do more squats if sex is leaving your legs drained." Tim offered "I was having the same problem with that sideline reporter I was telling you about, right? So I asked coach..."

"It's just an expression, doofus. It indicates she's been having lots and lots of fantastic sex" Lauren grumbled, closing her textbook with a slam and getting up from the table, stomping out of the hall. "And I hate you two so much!"

Camila and Tim watched as she walked out in confusion and some humour. They'd never seen Lauren like that and the sight of her, stomping through the hall like a child throwing a tantrum did strike the two of them as more than a little funny.

"You know, I think something may be bothering her." Camila observed sarcastically.

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