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New Disease Kills Animals

"A newly found disease, scientists call Highjacker's Disease, has taken over a small town zoo in Minnesota. This disease has killed every king of animal in the zoo, except one, leaving one animal to represent each species. Citizens are worried it may reach the human world, instead of staying in the animal kingdom. More sitings of Highjacker's Disease have been reported all over Minnesota and a portion of Montana as well. Where will this deadly disease strike next? Witnesses of the disease have been reported to have said that they have seen the disease happening. 13 year old Fiona Song has decided to tell evidence to our local reporters,"

"I saw it happening! There were parrots in the zoo, and then all but one started to squawk like crazy, and they just started to...die. Like, they wouldn't die like normal animals die, though. They would die upright, then immediately start to decay and mold!"-Gloria Song, Minnesota native.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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