2 - Chocolate Warms the Soul

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Newt and Jacob go to pick something up from Newt's office at the ministry and encounter some unexpected things

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Jacob watches in awe as he follows Newt through the magnificent underground building Newt had called the Ministry of Magic. It's the most grand and luxurious thing he's ever seen, and he can't quite fathom how Newt doesn't really like working here. Or being here from the look of it. His long gangly legs take long strides across the carpeted floor and Jacob almost has to run to keep up with the man.

They were just here to pick up something from Newt's office. A quick in and out really, but he'd still taken Jacob in with him, despite being a No-Maj, or a muggle, as Newt had called him. Apparently the only 'muggles' who knew about this place were the government, and now Jacob.

The place reminds him of his limited time at MACUSA not too long ago when Newt and Tina had apparently been sentenced to death and narrowly avoided it. He'd never seen Tina look so scared (not that Newt didn't look terrified either), and he hopes he never will again, but judging by the Grindelwald guy who's been wreaking havoc across the world he's not so sure he's going to get so lucky.

"Just around the corner now," Newt tells him, glancing back at him only for a quick second.

Jacob practically sighs with relief at that. It feels like they've been walking for hours. Newt had explained to him that they couldn't 'apparate' within the Ministry and that they'd have to walk. From the limited knowledge he had of Magic Jacob is pretty sure apparating is when you magically teleports from one place to another. He'd seen Newt, Tina and Queenie do it frequently, sometimes even with him, and it feels very strange, every time. Though he'd much rather go through that than this.


Newt suddenly stops dead in his tracks, body stiffening. Jacob looks at him quizzically for a second before turning towards the source of the voice.

A tall man with brown hair, dressed shortly in an expensive looking suit saunters towards them with long, confident strides. It's a stark contrast to Newt's awkward, kind of duck footed walk.

"What are you doing here?" The man asks him after he stops in front of Newt. "You don't have work today."

Newt shrugs, glancing down at his boots. He holds his case in front of him, clutching the handle with both hands. "I just need needed to pick something up," he explains, nonchalantly.

"Of course." The man nods, though not entirely convinced, and looks at Jacob. "And who is this?"

Newt perks up, a bit surprised, as if he wasn't expecting anyone to notice him. "J-Jacob," he explains, a bit panicked. "Jacob Kowalski."

The man's face lights up with recognition. "Jacob!" He exclaims. "You're one of the friends Newt made in New York!"

Newt's cheeks flush a light pink at that.

The man extends his arm. "Theseus Scamander. Newt's brother," he says. "Nice to meet you."

Jacob reluctantly takes Theseus' hand and gives it a firm shake, taken slightly off guard. "It's nice to meet you too," Jacob replies.

He's heard Newt talk about his brother before, but not really tell them about him. He does however, know he's a supposed war hero, and apparently the favourite out if the two of them. They look like they get along fairly well though.

He radiates confidence and kindness, and except for some physical likenesses, the two brothers are radically different, even from the little Jacob knows about Theseus. He can't help but like them man though. He must have that effect on everybody if this is how he acts all the time.

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