Fahrenheit 451 New Ending

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"The sound of its death came after," (p. 153).

"Get up." Montag heard a whisper, smelled a faint perfume. "Come on, Montag, you can do it, get on up." Montag felt like lead, coated in dust and abandoned. He felt as if he could never move again, as if it was just easier to fall and die now, to escape this torment and escape to this hidden bliss. "Mr. Montag, look! The dust coating everything reminds me of a time that my uncle told me about powdered sugar. He described it as kind of a sweet flour. He said they made a brown powdered sugar once, but no one bought, because who wants dirty sugar? So they bleached it and bleached it until it was so white it hurt your eyes to look at. Then they just made it into blocks of solid white, blocks so easily to dissolve that they're gone in a snap leaving you to wonder where it all went..."

This was too much for Montag. He cried out and sat up in a flash, causing flares of sharp pains to go throughout his head. His vision started to blur, and he felt as if any second now his head would split in two, and snap! That would be the end of Montag."Easy there, here, take my hand." He reached out blindly and felt a petite hand, soft and slender, and pulled himself up eagerly, ready to see his savior, to see if it was who he thought, to see Clarisse McClellan once more. He shook his head to clear away the dust from his eyes, and opened them to a powdered and barren graveyard, with not a soul in sight.

Ok, this is cruel, but I had to do it...

Ok, this is cruel, but I had to do it

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Fahrenheit 451 New endingWhere stories live. Discover now