Chapter One

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"Oh my God! You're Jordan Knight from Vail!"

I give her a humble smile and tip the pint glass filled with Guinness to my lips. "I am," I affirm before taking a sip.

"I'm Blair. You have to let me buy you a shot," she says. Her blonde locks swing around her shoulders. "I just saw you up on that stage playing guitar and holy shit I would just die to do a shot of sex on the beach with you." She leans in close, and I can smell the peach schnapps from the shots she's already done tonight. "And more, if you know what I mean."

I know what she means.

It's this part of the business I'm least comfortable with.

"Oh my God, it's Rascal!" she says when she sees who's sitting beside me. Her friend is already chatting up William Rascowicz, Vail's keyboardist and the guy I'm sitting with—the only other single guy in my band, for the record. "This is insane! We literally just watched your show. It was amazing." She's gushing as she presses her tits to my arm.

I know where this is leading. I glance over at Rascal, who nods to let me know he's interested in pursuing the friend, and then the bartender places four shots in front of us.

I toss back the shot with the girl whose name I've already forgotten.

This really isn't my style. I'm not planning to do another shot, and I'm certainly not planning to go back with her to her place.

Except it appears one of my buddies is trying to hook up with her friend, so I'm probably doing another shot and I'm probably going to her place because that's what wingmen do, isn't it? I'm here to help him get laid even if I'm not getting myself laid tonight.

I've been told I'm a rare breed. I'm much more of a relationship kind of guy versus a one-night stand kind of guy. I'm more likely to sit with a Guinness for an hour talking with the guys in my band about how we can get Vail to level up even higher than to sit in a bar trolling for hook-ups.

The same can't be said for most guys in my line of work.

I guess I'm just not used to the single life yet even though it's been six months. I'm free to do whatever I want—including hooking up with this gorgeous woman who clearly wants me—but it just doesn't feel like the right thing to do.

I hate when my morals get in the way. My stupid, self-loathing morals. A second shot burns down my throat and warms my chest as those morals find themselves moving up to a dusty shelf.

Sober Jordan has pinned down why this isn't his thing. When I was with my ex, the sex was good because I loved her. Feelings were involved. I knew she'd be there the next day and the day after and the day after that. I was comfortable and content.

I wasn't lonely.

I didn't feel like my ex only wanted me because I'm a celebrity. She was with me before stardom found our little band. She was along for the ride even if it's what ultimately tore us apart.

I don't feel that same sentiment with this girl. She doesn't know who I am except for how I've been portrayed by the media and on the reality show we starred in a year ago, Rock on the Road. She doesn't care who I am, either. She just wants a night with a rock star. She doesn't want it to go any further than that, and knowing what I know about her—that she's the kind of girl who will buy a rock star shots in a bar and offer to bring him home before she even said four complete sentences to him—it all tells me that I shouldn't do this.

But three sex on the beach shots plus some beer has turned Sober Jordan into someone who really doesn't care about being comfortable or content or lonely or not.

He just cares about having a good time.

And Claire is a really fun time.

Claire, right? Or was it Cher? Blair?

Whatever. I'm laughing at something she said and I don't even remember what it was. I might've if I hadn't been three beers deep before the shots came out. She's fun, and Rascal looks like he's having a good time, and it's just one night, right? I'm not drunk, exactly, just toasted enough to not feel bad when she leans in, presses her tits to my chest, and smashes her lips to mine. We're making out in the middle of the bar and it's all good.

I can't even remember what city we're in, but when the fog clears in the morning, I'll figure it out.

A few minutes later, I find myself with Blair in the back of a Lyft and Rascal and Blair's roommate are going after it in the third row behind us. This is a typical Monday night, I guess. Her name came back to me when her friend asked her if she wanted to get out of the bar and used her name to get her attention.

When we get to their apartment, Rascal disappears with the roommate into one bedroom while Blair leads me down the hallway to another.

She kisses me again once the door shuts behind her, but the Lyft ride over here was a little too sobering.

I don't want to do this.

It isn't me.

I helped my friend get here, and he's getting whatever it is he's getting in another room, so my job here is done.

"I'm just going to go freshen up." Blair disappears to the bathroom, which was the exact cliché I'd banked on.

When she returns, I pretend to be passed out.

She straddles me anyway as she tries to wake me up, but I don't budge.

She sighs in annoyance, but she moves away. I almost crack an eye open to see what she's doing when I feel her breath on my cheek. "I love you, Jordan Knight," she whispers. I hear the camera on her phone as she presumably clicks a selfie of the two of us, and then I feel her lips on my cheek before the room goes dark and quiet.

My heart thunders in my chest.

She's going to post that on social media. People will think we had sex when we didn't.

But I don't really care what people think of me. If she wants to portray herself a certain way, that's on her.

I know the truth, and that's all that matters.

I'd like to say I got a great night's sleep after that, but between listening to Rascal and the roommate through the thin walls of the apartment and worrying that the (snoring) chick in bed next to me is gonna go all Fatal Attraction on me, I basically lay awake all night.

When I hear Blair get out of bed in the morning, I finally open my eyes. I scroll my phone and find out I'm in Cleveland, and I'm thankful it's a travel day and we don't have a gig to get to tonight. Instead I can sleep on the bus.

I don't feel too bad all things considered. I didn't sleep with Blair but managed to get my friend laid, and I don't have a hangover.

The morning seems to be going fine until the door opens and Blair walks in with a tray. "I made you breakfast in bed."

I raise my brows and I'm about to thank her because that's such a nice thing to do for a hook-up when she says, "And you can eat just as soon as we have sex."

My eyes widen, and I'm about to come up with some retort when I hear some commotion from the room next door. My eyes meet Blair's, and her brows shoot down in some combination of confusion and curiosity.

She steps back out into the hallway, breakfast tray still in hand, and I use the distraction to get the fuck out of this bed. I move beside her, the smell of the omelet and potatoes on the tray wafting to my nose and making my stomach growl.

"Get the fuck out!" the roommate screeches, and Rascal seemingly is literally thrown from her room before her door slams shut.

He glances over at the two of us standing there watching, his red curls bouncing like some sort of caricature of a human being. He knocks on the door a little timidly, and when there's no answer, he yells through the wood. "Can I, uh, have my shoes?"

The door doesn't open, the shoes aren't returned, and Rascal looks over at me. "Ready to head out?"

I laugh, but yeah...I'm ready.

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