Chapter Two

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I fell asleep early, so I wasn't surprised when my eyes opened to a dark room. The sun didn't rise around here until around seven. I shifted my head to the side, staring at the bright numbers on my alarm.


Well, I was up now. No sense in wasting time trying to fall back asleep when I had to be up within the next couple of hours anyway.

Maybe I could get some unpacking done.

I was a box and a half deep when I decided to take a break, standing up to stretch my legs that were starting to ache from being folded up for so long.

I looked around: I had made pretty good progress. I had organized everything into piles and was ready to sort them into their appropriate place.

But not before peeing.

As I walked towards my bathroom, I just so happens to see my phone flashing out of my peripheral. It was face up on the bed, but because the microphone was in the covers, I couldn't hear it.

9 missed calls. 13 messages.

Two were from Abernathy, once at 6:02 and another at 6:27. The other seven were from Andrea, as well as the text messages. My eyes snapped to my clock. 7:02. She made them all within the past 15 minutes.

I rushed to scan through the text messages.

I hope you're on your way to the office...I sent you a briefing on today's meeting...lot of reading...Boss is looking for you...President of France...8:30...

Ugh, I really needed to keep my phone on me. Is this what the President meant when he said I would have a long day? He knew and didn't tell me?

Why didn't I keep my phone with me??

And suddenly, I was whizzing around my apartment like a tornado, hopping out of the shower, barely grabbing a towel, thanking my lucky stars I'd laid out my outfit the night before, a habit I'd picked up from childhood.

I scanned through my email as I hopped on one foot trying to get my shoe on.

Fuck me. There was no way I was going to be able to read all of this before the meeting. A crash course would have to suffice.

I quickly copied and pasted the first 10 pages into a text to speech application so that I wasn't wasting time in D.C. traffic.

Better make that 2x speed.

The hustle and bustle of the White House was really going to piss me off. Everyone acted like they had somewhere so important to go that they couldn't let anyone get through.

I chuckled to myself, rolling my eyes at my thoughts.

I was describing myself. I was literally sliding my way through the crowd, occasionally brushing past people on my way to Abernathy's office. Except I really had somewhere important to be.

"Slow down there, Parker. You're gonna hurt yourself."

I didn't even turn to figure out who was talking to me. "I'll hurt you first."

A hand grabbed my wrist, spinning me around and suddenly, I was face to face with my savior from yesterday. Mr. Press Secretary. "Markus." I sighed as he released my arm.

He smirked. "I see you had time to Google me last night."

"Flatter yourself all you like. You knew my name before I knew yours." I snapped back playfully.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise before chuckling. So, the man did laugh. I was breaking down everyone's wall one day at a time. "Touché." He stuffed his own hands in his pockets. "So, where are you running off to that had you so ready to curse me out just now?"

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