Walking through the stuffy hallway of Brooklyn Middle, I close my eyes and imagine somewhere far from the too-bright incandescent lights and squeaky clean tiles, remembering home.

It's a lot harder here than back at home, southern Arizona.

I never wanted to move to Brooklyn.

I didn't think that eighth grade would be interesting - well until I met Eliza.

"Sorry!" cries a brown-skinned boy with green eyes and afro, bumping into me, as his folder goes crashing, spilling its contents.

As he picks up his papers, he pauses up to look at me, staring with intent.

 He quickly resumes, cheeks reddening once he realizes that I see him.

That was weird, I think to myself.

"Sorry for that," the boy says. 

He gingerly holds out his hand "I'm Eliza".

"Hi, I'm Inara, the one and only," I said, returning his shake. 

"Are you new here?" I ask him, hoping for the Yup, can you show me around? Why was I hoping for that?

"I am. Just moved here from Virginia," he tells me.

At least half of my wish came true

There was something unusual about Eliza.

Why was he acting so weird around me? 

And why did I feel so happy around him?

I wasn't doing this " happy do-goody" thing on purpose.

So much for being the type of person who's stare seems to tell everyone: "I don't want to be here, so don't talk to me."

I hated Brooklyn Middle.

"Same!" I answer. 

Again with the cheery tone, I think.

"Well, see you later!" I respond in my chirpy tone, as the bell rings.

School is easy, as usual. I skipped 3rd grade, and somehow 8th feels like the same thing we did last year.

The day flies by, and by the time school is over, I've completely forgotten my conversation with Eliza.

I'm about to turn in the hallway but I quickly halt.

Hushed whispers fill the air. 

Eliza's talking to some girl, named Maxri.

"Inara... there's something weird about her Maxri"

"Like what?"

"Her vis.. there's a lot more than usual."

Vis? What in the world? In all my vocabulary, I have never encountered the word vis.

"We need to tell this to the Assembly."

"Well, what are they going to do, Maxri? I mean Wellever might do some gene tests, but how's that going to help?"

Maxri didn't say anything for a long time.

"I don't know Eliza, I don't know"

 Maxri holds out her finger, closing her eyes and humming an enchanting tune.

As the humming gets louder, the tip of her finger starts glowing.

I was frozen.

Maxri draws an intricate pattern with her glowing finger, forming what looked chirography.

"Ready?" Maxri asks Eliza.

"Ready," says Eliza.

"Ready", I say to myself, the humming, louder than ever.

And then, me, Maxri, and Eliza run towards the swirling light.


Hi! I hope u guys liked this first chapter

I'll be posting a new one in 2-4 days

-Da Epic Pineapple

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