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i still don't understand why he's mad at me. what did i ever do to him. i hate seeing him mad at me i cant stand it.

luke consumed all my thoughts during my second - third period. but lunch finally came around and i was going to see luke and hopefully talk it all out.

"please talk to me luke." i said as i sat down next to him. michael, luke, and i all sat down at the lunch table in an awkward silence.

"charlie. i already told you, i am just going to hurt you and im sorry but i like you too much to see you hurt." he said to me as he continued stuffing his face with the disgusting cafeteria food.

"you arent going to hurt me luke. i wont let you."

"i already have hurt you, dont you get it charlie. i am not good for you, im anything but good." luke said as he stood up from the table with his tray in his hand and he walked outside the cafeteria to go sit at one of the outside tables.

this left michael and i in a complete awkward silence once again.

"do you know what the hell he's talking about?" i asked michael trying to break the silence.

"i have no clue. but i can go talk to him if you want me to." he said trying to lift the spirit and be a nice friend.

"not right now. later." i said and then we fell back into that awkward silence for the rest of lunch.


"charlie." i heard his voice and then footsteps getting louder as he approached me at my locker.

"what do you want luke. i thought you didnt want anything to do with me. i thought you were bad for me. so cant you just let me go home, i dont want to be here any longer than i have to, especially if you dont want to be with me." i snapped at his as i slammed my locker door shut and i locked the lock.

"michael talked to me about it. im sorry, i over reacted. im sorry." he said to me.

"just don't flip out on me anymore please. i can't stand you mad at me."

"i promise." he said but there was definitely some uncertainty in his voice. i wasn't too sure if i should trust him or not.

i looked at him and he had that look on his face, the look i just couldn't say no to. so i just laughed and he laughed too, his voice kinda shaky.

"wanna come over after school?" luke asked me as we walked out of the school together.

"sure. ill follow you." i said as we walked to our cars which were parked semi close to each other.


"you have a big house." i said, stepping out of my car, locking the doors. luke laughed at the fact of how shocked i was of the size and the outside of his house.

"dads got a good job." he said as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as he lead me through the door and up the stairs to his room, without introducing me to his family which seemed to be cooking something due to the smell of herbs.

luke jumped onto his bed and started messing with his xbox trying to get netflix to work on it. i sat down on the corner of his bed as i looked around his room, admiring how surprisingly clean it was.

i noticed a weird looking mask hanging above his closet, it kinda creeped me out a little, and it looked very familiar, but from what.

"why do you have that creepy, scary looking mask hanging on your wall?" i asked in curiosity.

"it was a part of an old occupation of mine." he replied quietly, with a grin tugging at his lips.

"lay down." he said as he patted the space next to him indicating he wanted me closer to him.

i laid down and snuggled up next to him as he played season one episode one of a show called 'how i met your mother.'

"have you ever seen this?" luke asked me tilting his head to face mine.

"nope. is it good?"

"amazing. you see, theres this one part, where the main character says, when ever your nervous about something, count to three and do it." he said to me rambling on while i was getting lost in his eyes.

"mhm." i nodded my head.

"one, two, three." he said before crashed his lips into mine. our lips moved perfectly in sync, and formed together and molded into one.

i slightly parted my lips allowing him access. eventually, i found him pulling at the ends of my shirt, saying he wanted it off. i pulled away slightly and took my shirt off and climbed on top of him resuming what we were doing before.

lukes lips left mine and started leaving a wet trail of kisses down my neck. i moaned quietly in pleasure.

"baby hush, my moms downstairs." he said, still sucking on my neck.

and with that, almost as if luke knew it would happen, his mom called from downstairs, "luke. dinners ready."


lol this is my first time writing any type of smut type thing before? lol

this chapter sucked balls but thats okay because i updated :-)

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