.:Chapter 1:.

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   It has been years, and I mean over 30 years since the last meeting that all of the humans and humanoids have been together. It's sort of scary, and I'm being honest about this. Even my brother looks like he is scared, but he is pretty much crazy. This is just a odd situation. Oh yeah, I forgot to say who I am. You can call m-

   Roman dropped his note book, as Remus had smacked the book out of his older brothers hand. Remus turned away, so he could just cover his mouth to laugh at his older brother. Roman's face was a face of disappointment. This was already going to be a long trip. The twins had been keeping to theirselves this entire trip, and now this was just gonna be a tiring long trip.
   Remus, the youngest brother, was wearing a button down, black shirt with a green scarf. He looked pretty comfy, but his brother did not look as comfy. Roman had a tail coat on, white button down shirt, and a red satchel across his chest. He already looked upset by the outfit, but Remus made him just angry.
   They have been trapped in a small wagon for the past three hours. The ride was not a strate line, so there where parts when they had rammed into each other. This was the longest they have been together. It sucked for the both of them, because they didn't care for each other that much. Their ideals where not on the same page.
   Roman picked up his notebook, as he clicked his pen. He glanced or at his brother, still laughing. He turned his head to look down at his notebook and sighed before he started writing. This was the on thing keeping him from killing his brother.

   I don't get why my brother is going with me. Yes, we are only a few minutes apart, but he has no idea why hes even here. Maybe, father believed that this was Remus's time to learn. This is going to be the longest meeting, longer than it already is. Why are the Elfs like this?
   For the past 20 years, the Mountain Elfs and the Woodland Elfs have been fighting over land. The Woodland Elfs, claim that it is there homeland, but the Mountain Elfs say it's their farm land. I believe it's the Woodland's land, if I'm being honest. I actually wish that the Mountain Elfs would just leave. They don't do anything, but trade coal and other goods from the caves. At least the Woodland Elfs create new medicines, new trading routes, and alow humans to live among them.
  As far as I know, there will be six of us. Two people from each kingdom. I know a lot about the Elfs coming from the Woodlands. Paton, the youngest member of the Woodland Community. Logan, the only human in the Woodland Community, but he is older than Paton. I can't say much about the two Elfs from Mountains. I only  know that, the oldest son and the youngest will be there. The oldest is a lier, but we also know he is a very smart man. The youngest, well I dont know much about him.
   I just wish that my father could take Remus's place. It would make me so much happier. Well, I believe that we are here. I will explain everything that will happen in the next few hours.

-Yours truly,  Roman

   Roman glanced out the window and sighed, as a few trees passed by the wagon window. A large tree appeared in front of the window,  making Roman fill somewhat off. He was not prepared one hundred percent ready for this yet, but he would need to show his brother how to act around meeting and such. He went to look over at his brother, but he had already climbed out of the wagon.
   He let out of a humph, and climbed  out of the cart. The tree was large, so large that had put shadows over the other trees. There was a large door carved into the tree, along with large windows and children's handprints at the base of the tree. Children where playing around the tree, As a boy with the tips of his hair dyed a light blue ran up to him with a face of excitement. Another man just stood at the door way, with his arms crossed.
  Patton... Logan. The only two that Roman could trust one hundred percent for the next few days... or maybe mounths.

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